Health & Wellbeing
Issue: January / February 2018

Resolving mind-based limitations

By - January 25, 2018

Acceptance-based approaches are changing the world of therapy says Graham Price
Personal Development
Issue: November / December 2017

‘Acting as if’ to achieve our goals

By - November 25, 2017

Graham Price explains how to change your behaviour to achieve your goals
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2017

Stop playing ‘when-then games’

By - September 25, 2017

‘When-then games’ prevent us doing the very thing that’s needed to break through limitations explains Graham Price
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: July / August 2017

Superstitions – Fact or Fiction?

By - July 27, 2017

Graham Price explains what you can do if a superstitious belief is limiting you in some way
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2017

Contribution Counts

By - May 25, 2017

Moving your focus from your own needs to the needs of others can bring great dividends says Graham Price
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: March / April 2017

Anxiety Attacks and How to Resolve Them

By - March 24, 2017

Avoiding situations that trigger attacks reinforces the problem and can increase the occurrence says Graham Price 
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2017

Making Resolutions Work

By - January 25, 2017

Commitments can make resolutions and goals achievable explains Graham Price
Personal Development
Issue: November / December 2016

Changing the World

By - November 25, 2016

Graham Price explains how powerful behaviour-based techniques can change and strengthen our mindsets
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2016

Yes you can

By - July 25, 2016

Your success in life will be primarily determined by your mindset explains Graham Price
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: May / June 2016

Eliminating Stress

By - May 25, 2016

Want to eliminate stress? Change the way you think about the sources and symptoms, says Graham Price
Personal Development
Issue: November / December 2012

Three Months to Overcome All Your Fears

By - November 25, 2012

Many people are crippled with fear in their business and personal lives, but a simple technique could change their lives says Graham Price For the first thirty-two years of my life, fear was a significant limitation. I was fearful on my first day at school and still fearful on my first day at university. More... Read more »
Project Management
Issue: September / October 2012

How to Deal with Procrastination

By - September 25, 2012

Facing your fears might just be the way to eliminating procrastination for good.   Jeremy Lazell, a successful journalist, used to be a self-confessed procrastinator. In a recent Sunday Times article, he described how in two years he’d managed to write three pages of his novel. Until that is, he attended one of my training... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2012

How to Build Your Self-Esteem

By - May 25, 2012

Graham Price shares some practical steps to build your self-esteem
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: March / April 2012

Say Goodbye to Stress Forever

By - March 25, 2012

Stress has become a major issue for both employers and staff. Techniques to deal with stress are now being taught within organisations. Books on the subject abound. Everything from time management, to relaxation, to exercise, is taught in the name of stress reduction. But, although these tools can be useful, they are largely missing the... Read more »
Processes & Procedures
Issue: January / February 2012

How to Overcome Your Fear of Networking Events

By - January 25, 2012

Managing your anxiety when meeting new people Networking has become a major marketing tool for both small and large companies, helping them make new contacts and generate business. For most, networking is seen as a valuable opportunity. But for some it generates fear and anxiety. Talking to strangers doesn’t come naturally to everyone – for... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: November / December 2011

How to deal with an unpleasant boss

By - November 25, 2011

Your boss is criticising some work you’ve done when you know the problem lies with his/her instructions. You try to explain but he cuts you off. He provides no support or encouragement to his staff, employing criticism instead. He gets little support in return and responds by being harsh and dominating. He gets angry a... Read more »