Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2016

Just Do It Technophobe!

By - March 25, 2016

Will I get it wrong? Will I make a mess of it?  asks Rona Cant Those of you who know me will know that I am a technophobe. Crazy you say and I agree with you.  I get exasperated with myself to the point of telling myself to snap out of it.  I’ve been using... Read more »
Cover Story Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2016

Personal Development Planning and the Assistant

By - March 25, 2016

Kathleen Drum takes us on a journey of personal development
Issue: March / April 2016

Life, Work, and Discovering Your Why: Finding Balance in an Unstable World

By - March 25, 2016

Creating balance does not have to be an either/or proposition, explains Doug Dickerson
Issue: March / April 2016

PROFILE – Libby Moore

By - March 25, 2016

Libby Moore is the former Assistant to Oprah Winfrey Can we start with a little background information? What is your background?  I’m going to start WAY back when I was a kid, I wanted to be either a surfer, a cowboy or an 18-wheeler truck driver (my Mom was not happy). I got an Associates degree... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2016

Grammar Check

By - March 25, 2016

Do you do a grammar check when faced with confusing word choices? asks Sandy Geroux
Issue: March / April 2016

Blabbing What You Know Using

By - March 25, 2016

Top technology trainer, Donna Gilliland explains the basics of new technology and how you can leverage it to your professional benefit. For once, being known as ‘blabber’ is a positive and can potentially help you professionally. What is Blab is a free live casting video platform, currently in beta. It is easy to... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2016

Boost Your Business Writing With Plain English

By - March 25, 2016

Using plain English will help you and your readers, explains Shirley Taylor
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2016


By - March 25, 2016

Who has the Power? Recently, an inmate was released after serving a 20-year prison sentence. Re-entering the world after two decades would probably reveal many surprises to anyone, but upon release, this former prisoner’s only comment to the press was about his astonishment at all the people texting – and not talking – in a... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2016

PROFILE – Samantha Cox

By - March 25, 2016

Samantha Cox is the former Executive Assistant to Sir Richard Branson
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2016

Getting a Better Perspective

By - March 25, 2016

Why whenever I feel that sneaky, I’m-oh-so-vital-to-this-company feeling coming on, I immediately stop says Kemetia Foley
Career Development
Issue: March / April 2016

The Admin’s Guide to Career Organization

By - March 25, 2016

Julie Perrine explains why security doesn’t lie within a company. It lies within you. As admins, we’re always trying to organize all the pieces and parts of our professional lives – from workspaces to meetings to travel plans. And we have to keep our executives organized, too. With so much to keep in order, it’s... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2016

I’m Busy – Go Away!

By - March 25, 2016

Is increasing productivity and quality of your employee’s product/service desirable? I’ll assume the answer is a resounding yes. Here’s a secret – stop interrupting them.   I’m self-employed. My only company is the dog quietly snoring at my feet. As I start to put this article to ‘paper’ it is 8:55am, February 11th – I... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2016

The New Office 365 Productivity Apps

By - March 25, 2016

Power Up with Skype for Business, Sway, & Delve One certainty as an Administrative Assistant is we are the master organizer and productivity manager of our business domain. As a former Administrative Assistant turned college professor of Administrative Support Technologies programs, Microsoft Certified Trainer, and author of over 30 technology textbooks, I am constantly in... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2016

Taking personal responsibility for your career growth

By - March 25, 2016

Adam Fidler shows us how to grow our career Have you ever thought, ‘I could do that’ or ‘I don’t agree; I would do it this way’, or even ‘I’d like to have a go’ and then never done anything about it?  I’m sure we’ve all been there, and there are certainly many examples of... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2016

Help Me Rhonda!

By - March 25, 2016

‘I’ve been told by several people that I’m aggressive and intimidating! How can that be, and what do I need to do to fix it?’ Dear Overbearing and Unhappy About It I think that most people would be unhappy to be told they are perceived as aggressive and intimidating and that most of them would... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2016

Uh oh. Are You the Workplace Bully?

By - March 25, 2016

Bonnie Low-Kramen details five ways to tell if you are the workplace bully - and five reasons to stop right now