Editor's Letters
Issue: January / February 2016
Issue: January / February 2016
The Gift
By Lucy Brazier OBE - January 28, 2016
Our new Isipho Admin Bursary will provide opportunities for those who have limited access to educational resources to train for a year to be an Assistant.
Editor's Letters
Issue: November / December 2015
Issue: November / December 2015
By Lucy Brazier OBE - November 30, 2015
The year is drawing to an end and we are entering the period traditionally associated with reflecting on all we have to be grateful for, explains Lucy Brazier
Editor's Letters
Issue: September / October 2015
Issue: September / October 2015
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others ~ Mahatma Gandhi
By Lucy Brazier OBE - September 25, 2015
It’s been an extraordinary couple of months, says Lucy Brazier
Editor's Letters
Issue: July / August 2015
Issue: July / August 2015
A New Dawn
By Lucy Brazier OBE - July 27, 2015
It has been ten years since there was an in depth piece of research on the Assistant role in the United Kingdom. Of course part of the reason for this was the recession – who wants to invest to get doom and gloom results? But the drought is over and we have been lucky enough... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: May / June 2015
Issue: May / June 2015
Vive la Difference
By Lucy Brazier OBE - May 26, 2015
This weekend I spent an informative and inspirational day with over 200 Assistants from Italy. I spoke at their Secretary Day conference with a translator using consecutive as opposed to simultaneous translation. It meant that I had to pause every couple of lines in order to allow the translator to relay what I was saying... Read more »
Issue: May / June 2015
Issue: May / June 2015
When It’s Not Love at First Sight…
By Lucy Brazier OBE - May 25, 2015
Lucy Brazier explains three strategies to adopt whilst you rule yourself in or out of this new relationship
Editor's Letters
Issue: May / June 2015
Issue: May / June 2015
An Open Letter to the World’s CEOs on Administrative Professionals Day
By Lucy Brazier OBE - May 6, 2015
There is a quiet revolution going on in offices across the world and it is coming from the most unlikely of employees. Last year, the American Society of Administrative Professionals conducted research across its 50,000 members which categorically proved that since the recession and the cull of many middle management jobs across the world, Assistants... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: March / April 2015
Issue: March / April 2015
One Profession, One Voice
By Lucy Brazier OBE - March 25, 2015
Our friend Bonnie Low Kramen is fond of saying that there has never been a more exciting time to be an Assistant. She’s right! There is so much change in the pipeline and the role is evolving like never before. As promised, the video we made of Assistants all over the world that we put... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
The Way Forward
By Lucy Brazier OBE - January 26, 2015
So that’s it! The International Year of the Secretary and Assistant is no more. After a year of speaking, writing, campaigning and generally stirring up the world’s Assistants and Executives it has all come to an end. PAFSA in South Africa will be collating all the results over the next couple of months in order to take a view... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
PROFILE – PA of the Year Tribe 2014: The Amazing Journey We Walked Together
By Lucy Brazier OBE - January 25, 2015
The International Year of the Secretary and Administrative Assistant 2014, initiated by South Africa’s Professional Association for Secretaries and Administrative Assistants (PAFSA), was launched to commemorate and mark the 30th anniversary since the first year of the secretary which was celebrated in 1984 in the United States. The year 2014 also marked the 9th year... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: November / December 2014
Issue: November / December 2014
Excellence and the Assistant – doing ordinary things extraordinarily well
By Lucy Brazier OBE - November 25, 2014
Striving for excellence is an important part of professionalism in any job explains Lucy Brazier
Editor's Letters
Issue: September / October 2014
Issue: September / October 2014
Coming Full Circle
By Lucy Brazier OBE - September 27, 2014
Earlier in the month, I had the honour of presenting the keynote at PAFSA’s IYOTSA Conference in South Africa. As Global Brand Ambassador for International Year of the Secretary and Assistant, I have visited many countries this year, explaining to Assistants how the role has changed and encouraging them to think of themselves as strategic... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: July / August 2014
Issue: July / August 2014
Summer Space
By Lucy Brazier OBE - July 25, 2014
As many of you know, I spend my summers out at our apartment in Spain. I am still working but it gives me head space to plan and look at new options that we might offer you in the coming year. It’s a precious time, where I have time and space to step back from... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: May / June 2014
Issue: May / June 2014
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
By Lucy Brazier OBE - May 27, 2014
So here is the thing. Those of you that have seen me speak or met me in person will know that I have a pathological phobia of flying. It has been known to scare me so much that it has made me physically sick. Even the thought of flying sent me into apoplexy and heading... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: March / April 2014
Issue: March / April 2014
The Spring is Sprung
By Lucy Brazier OBE - March 27, 2014
It’s that time of the year again when here at Executive Secretary Towers we celebrate our birthday. It’s three years since we relaunched the magazine as a global publication and what a ride it has been. The last 12 months alone have seen us nominated as a finalist for ‘Business Magazine of the Year’, raise... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: January / February 2014
Issue: January / February 2014
An Open Invitation
By Lucy Brazier OBE - January 27, 2014
So here we are. It’s finally the year that we have all been waiting for. It’s our year! The year when we spread the word that Assistants are no longer just ‘assisting’, they are ‘doing’ as business people in their own right. With some of the world’s most powerful Associations and trainers from all four... Read more »