Issue: March / April 2017

PROFILE – Peggy Grande

By - March 24, 2017

Peggy Grande is a former Executive Assistant. She worked in the Office of Ronald Reagan in Los Angeles, California for 10 years, and has recently published a book on her experiences, The President Will See You Now
Issue: March / April 2017

PROFILE – Vanessa Vallely

By - March 24, 2017

Vanessa Vallely is the author of Heels of Steel and the founder of WeAreTheCity and the Rising Star awards
Issue: January / February 2017

PROFILE – Shamaiza Haider

By - January 25, 2017

Shamaiza Haider is the winner of the Deloitte UK EA of the Year and the current co-chair of the EA network at Deloitte
Issue: May / June 2016

PROFILE – Kathleen Drum

By - May 25, 2016

Introducing the new Editor of Executive Support Magazine, Kathleen Drum
Cover Story Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2016

Personal Development Planning and the Assistant

By - March 25, 2016

Kathleen Drum takes us on a journey of personal development
Issue: January / February 2016

Make Space for the New by Letting Go of the Old

By - January 25, 2016

Bin dead projects and create some valuable time, but don't rush to fill it with new things says Kathleen Drum
Issue: November / December 2015

Creating an Engaging LinkedIn Profile

By - November 25, 2015

Don’t let your online presence slip through the net, says Kathleen Drum
Processes & Procedures Project Management
Issue: September / October 2015

The Project Mindset

By - September 25, 2015

Big projects require big thinking; make sure you employ a project mindset says Kathleen Drum
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2015

Being a Good Assistant May Not Be Good Enough

By - May 25, 2015

Strategic business partner or back to the typing pool? The choice is yours says Kathleen Drum
Events Excellence
Issue: March / April 2015

So You’re Attending Executive Support LIVE – Now What?

By - March 25, 2015

Kathleen Drum’s guide to getting the most from a conference
Processes & Procedures Productivity
Issue: January / February 2015

The Art of Proofreading

By - January 25, 2015

Kathleen Drum shares her proofreading secrets
Career Development
Issue: November / December 2014

Moving to the Next Level as an Assistant

By - November 25, 2014

Have you been considering how you can extend your current role with new challenges? asks Kathleen Drum
Career Development
Issue: September / October 2014

Weathering the Storm: Surviving and Thriving After Redundancy

By - September 25, 2014

Kathleen Drum’s story of how to bounce back (twice!) from redundancy
Issue: July / August 2014

3 Simple Steps to Getting the Most From a Networking Event

By - July 25, 2014

Attending a networking event can be a little scary – especially if you are going on your own. Kathlen Drum allays our fears.
Issue: November / December 2012

Nine Management Lessons from the London 2012 Games

By - November 25, 2012

Kathleen Drum details the management lessons from the Olympic Games that can be applied to any working environment