Health & Wellbeing
Issue: March / April 2015

A New and Unexpected Pathway!

By - March 25, 2015

After our wonderful year in Samoa, our exciting trip for me to speak at Exec Sec LIVE Conference in Dubai, time with Charles’ family in London and a longed-for visit to our daughter and family in Washington DC, all such wonderful journeys, we were however pleased to be home for Christmas 2014. We needed to... Read more »
Issue: November / December 2014

Samoa – the End of an Adventure!

By - November 25, 2014

My reactions were confused: one minute it is “I can’t believe it is all over” the next it is “Let’s get this done and dusted, I want to go home!” It was so confusing to feel this way but it indicates to a large extent how my time here in Samoa has been. It has... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2014

Samoa – Not Everything Goes to Plan

By - September 25, 2014

Things became very challenging for us in Samoa, mainly on the health front. I unfortunately got sick again in July which led this time to my doctor in Samoa saying “That’s it; I want you to go home and get well.” I said I was going home, in about two weeks. She said “No, that... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2014

Samoa – Starting the Countdown

By - July 25, 2014

We have been here in Samoa for almost seven months and are starting the countdown until our time is over – not as “I can’t wait” but as “Help, there is still so much to do!” The last couple of months have been quite challenging with health issues, a feeling of being away from home... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2014

Samoa – the Middle Months of Our Journey

By - May 25, 2014

Charles and I are in the middle months of our journey and it is so hard to believe that by the time you read this we will have been here 6 months with only 5 left to go. It is strange how time flies and at the same time, once you are settled somewhere, routine... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2014

Samoa – After Three Months

By - March 25, 2014

When I last wrote we had been here only a very few weeks. We have now been through Christmas, New Year and are well into our third month. Things that seemed new and strange have become normal and, in fact, the time we are due to be here is running by at great speed, which... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2014

Impressions from a Volunteer – Apia, Samoa

By - January 25, 2014

Charles and I have been living in Apia, Samoa since 18 November 2013. We are loaded with first impressions and at this stage we are really enjoying it. We know some harder times are coming as our decision has separated us from our family at Christmas time and we have missed the birth of our... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2013

It’s about what we can give – Samoa

By - September 25, 2013

I have been having one of those “times in your life” and have been reflecting. From this process has come something for me to give. As a young child I lived in a remote community which functioned in many cases on what we all gave to each other. This need to give to each other... Read more »
Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: July / August 2013

Whistle While You Work?

By - July 23, 2013

It’s a hard one – turn a blind eye or tell on your colleagues? Read on for a guide to whistleblowing… “What do you do if your ethics and those of your employer differ? This can provide a dilemma for an individual and resolving it will depend on a variety of situations. Generally if your... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2013

Gaining Support From Your Employer to Invest in Your Professional Development

By - May 25, 2013

What is the value of your professional development to your employer? asks Eth Lloyd
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2012

Professional Development – What do Admins Want?

By - January 25, 2012

Eth Lloyd looks at the development opportunities administration professionals want and how they can find them