Editor's Letters
Issue: September / October 2011

The End of Summer

By - September 27, 2011

And so here we are, wending our way towards the bittersweet final days of summer. When I was a child, the summer holidays stretched out forever – all now melded into a memory of hot sleepy days spent on beaches, in parks or on picnics. Of course as an adult, the summer holidays are not... Read more »
Cover Story
Issue: September / October 2011

Workplace Bullying: The Silent Epidemic

By - September 26, 2011

Helen Achilleos explains how to recognise the signs and offers advice on dealing with a workplace bully
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2011

You Are What You Eat

By - September 25, 2011

How to boost your performance by eating healthily   Most PAs have busy lives, and busy lives mean that eating food that is good for you – as well as tasting nice – is not always a priority. A quick sandwich and a packet of crisps may well become the norm, while eating with one... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011

Writing Wrongs

By - September 25, 2011

Whoops! I shouldn’t have clicked on send
 Dealing with common mistakes in business communication   There can be so many opportunities for error in writing. The speed of email encourages us to click on send without proof reading what we have written. Tight deadlines mean we don’t always take enough care over our reports. Not... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2011

Would You Follow You?

By - September 25, 2011

Top 10 Ways to Be a LEADER   Spurred in part by an exercise I did at an ActionCOACH business planning workday, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be a leader. My commitment is to be a great one, and I’m getting clear that in order to be successful, there... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011

What would you do with an extra hour a day?

By - September 25, 2011

Dr Monica Seeley on ‘Brilliant’ email What would you do if you could create an extra hour a day every day? Have a proper lunch break, do some personal development, spend more time with the family, finish a quilt you started 18 months ago? These are some responses to a recent survey conducted for the... Read more »
Events Excellence
Issue: September / October 2011

Valued Added

By - September 25, 2011

Impressing your manager with cost effective meetings.   A sure fire way to earn yourself brownie points in the current climate is to demonstrate your ability as a spend-savvy meeting planner. This doesn’t mean skimping on essentials, but rather adopting some of these top tips suggested by the professionals. Timing If your dates are flexible... Read more »
Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: September / October 2011

Thinking Like An Interviewer

By - September 25, 2011

Understanding the objectives behind some common questions   Anyone who has been on more than a few job interviews has likely noticed that they tend to include variations on many of the same questions. That’s not because interviewers are lazy. It’s because those questions have proved useful in yielding information about why the organisation should,... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011

The Five Folder System

By - September 25, 2011

Keep track of your paperwork with Adam Fidler’s five folder system Swamped with paperwork? Is your desk used as a dumping ground? What’s the best system to use to keep on top of those papers? The following process focuses on just five folders (A4 document wallets). The secret is that every piece of paper you... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011

Spice Up Your Life

By - September 25, 2011

Doing Business In India   Providing cultural awareness tips and guidelines on any country is fraught with challenges. Nobody likes to hand out information that is taken to apply to a whole nation or culture simply because the reality on the ground is multi-faceted, flexible and fluid. Nowhere is this more true that with India.... Read more »
Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: September / October 2011

Singing Your Praises

By - September 25, 2011

Hilary Jeanes explains what good performance management looks like in practice How do you feel when your performance appraisal is approaching? Do you look forward to it as an opportunity to get recognition and feedback for what you have achieved in the past year? Or dread it, as it tends to focus on weaknesses or... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011

Ring Any Bells?

By - September 25, 2011

Telephone techniques   It takes another person just seven seconds to form an opinion of you over the telephone – your mannerisms and personality are expressed in the tone of your voice. The following tips can enable you to become a more effective communicator. Good telephone etiquette is important because we cannot see the other... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011

PROFILE – Mike Caridia

By - September 25, 2011

Mike Caridia is the Founder of pa-assist.com Mike Caridia, the diminutive owner of pa-assist.com, doesn’t take anything in life for granted. His website, which launched in 2000, was the first in the world to provide support, information and guidance to Administrative Professionals. And his ability to seek opportunities and grab them with both hands –... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011

PROFILE – Joan Burge

By - September 25, 2011

Joan Burge is the Founder & CEO, Office Dynamics
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2011

Minimising Separation Anxiety

By - September 25, 2011

How To Cope With Leaving Your Baby Or Toddler In Childcare For The First Time.   As was preparing to return to work after my maternity leave, I read a great American book called The Working Gal’s Guide to Babyville. I always remember the quote “Good childcare is the secret sauce of contented working parenthood”.... Read more »
Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: September / October 2011

Lost In The Maze

By - September 25, 2011

Finding the pathway to opportunity with effective organisational structure   In his book, Harvest of Humanity, John Seamands tells a story of a German soldier who was wounded and ordered to go to a military hospital for treatment. When he arrived at the large and imposing building he saw two doors. One was marked ‘For... Read more »