Issue: May / June 2015

Gracefully Dealing with Disrespect

By - May 25, 2015

Sandy Geroux shares sage advice on how to keep your emotions under control when under attack
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2015

Between Jobs? Stay Relevant by Getting Involved

By - May 25, 2015

Being an administrative professional can be a rewarding and exciting career. However, like any profession, it doesn’t come with a 100% guarantee. Layoffs happen. Companies are bought and sold everyday. And executives retire, get transferred, or change roles. In today’s unpredictable economy, administrative jobs can be few and far between in some places. However, a... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2015

Happiness is

By - May 25, 2015

Brenda Bernstein looks at the different ways to raise your happiness levels
Issue: May / June 2015

PROFILE – Lizzie Mudzingwa

By - May 25, 2015

Lizzie Mudzingwa, personal assistant to the office of the chairperson of Telkom, is this year’s winner of South Africa’s Personal Assistant of the Year award Can we start with a little background information? Where are you from? I was born in Mzansi (South Africa) from a God-fearing family and loving parents, and am the eldest of... Read more »
Issue: May / June 2015

Leadership Starts Young

By - May 25, 2015

Recently, I attended a piano recital showcasing children ranging in age from six to 12. On the surface this event does not call out as a compelling evening. Au contraire. During a fast-paced 45-minute program, the performance of 15 youths riveted the audience and held us spellbound. The program culminated with a 12-year-old’s performance of... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2015

You Have Choices, Choose Wisely

By - May 25, 2015

What do you have the power to change? asks Teri Wells
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2015

Grow Who You Know: 8 Great Networking Tips for Administrative Professionals

By - May 25, 2015

Whether you’re looking to move up within your company or over into a better paying administrative job across town, you need to keep one important fact in mind: Who you know matters.   But there’s an art to professional networking.   The most effective way to enlarge your circle of contacts is to go online,... Read more »
Issue: May / June 2015

Good boss or bad boss?

By - May 25, 2015

Some of us have the privilege of working for a good boss, even a great boss. And then some of us end up working for the bad boss, the boss from hell, the Cruella de Vil of bosses. Either way good or bad boss, we still have to perform our PA duties. Over the years... Read more »
Issue: May / June 2015

When It’s Not Love at First Sight

By - May 25, 2015

Lucy Brazier explains three strategies to adopt whilst you rule yourself in or out of this new relationship
Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: May / June 2015

How to Win Hearts and Minds – With Measurable Return on Investment

By - May 25, 2015

In our newly buoyant economy, employers are once again focusing on hiring and keeping the best staff – the very people whose enthusiasm and ambition will crank corporate performance into a higher gear. So what’s happening in your organisation to win hearts and minds in the workplace? And how does this impact on your role?... Read more »
Issue: May / June 2015

Fabulous Feedback – Creating a Culture that Creates Great Leaders

By - May 25, 2015

Feedback can be a fabulous thing; it can help us understand our strengths and learn how to build on our experience to do even better in the future. Feedback’s got a bad rap though. Often when someone says “I have feedback for you” our heart sinks and we brace ourselves for criticism delivered by someone more focussed on... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2015

Disappointment in the Workplace

By - May 25, 2015

Sometimes life throws a sharp curve in our direction which can catch us off guard. If we aren’t careful we can allow the emotional “downs” to haunt us for life; never regaining the milestone that we worked for, focused on and dedicated most of our life and wellbeing to. It is difficult to rebound from... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2015

Being a Good Assistant May Not Be Good Enough

By - May 25, 2015

Strategic business partner or back to the typing pool? The choice is yours says Kathleen Drum
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2015

More on Mindset. Taking Powerful Actions

By - May 25, 2015

Last month I wrote about developing a powerful mindset. In this article I’m continuing that theme by providing evidence from the world of psychology and by describing my experience of using this tool. Of all the things I learned years ago that created the life I’ve been fortunate to lead, two stand out head and... Read more »
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: May / June 2015

Top Tips for Controlling Anger at Work

By - May 25, 2015

Neuroscientist and cognitive psychologist Dr Lynda Shaw looks at some useful tips for controlling your anger at work
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2015

Being content with near perfection

By - May 24, 2015

If taken to extremes, perfectionism can be self-defeating. Remember those nostalgic days when you were in school and you were told to chase those straight As? How quickly a perfectionist learns to live by the words “I’m so pleased, this term I was top of my class …” and to enjoy the thrill of impressing... Read more »