Editor's Letters
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
The Way Forward
By Lucy Brazier OBE - January 26, 2015
So that’s it! The International Year of the Secretary and Assistant is no more. After a year of speaking, writing, campaigning and generally stirring up the world’s Assistants and Executives it has all come to an end. PAFSA in South Africa will be collating all the results over the next couple of months in order to take a view... Read more »
Cover Story Processes & Procedures
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Creating an Assistant Network Within Your Organisation
By Cathy Harris - January 25, 2015
Cathy Harris leads the way with her comprehensive guide to creating an Assistant Network within your organisation
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Creating Powerful Partnerships
By Peggy Vasquez - January 25, 2015
Trust is the foundation of all powerful - and successful - partnerships says Peggy Vasquez
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Three Locks That Hold You Back
By Doug Dickerson - January 25, 2015
Life has no limitations except the ones you make. – Les Brown The story is told of master magician and locksmith Harry Houdini on one of his European tours and how he found himself locked in by his own thinking. After he had been searched and manacled in a Scottish town jail, the old turnkey... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Winning Beginnings – Opening Your Speech With Impact
By Lyn Roseaman - January 25, 2015
Lyn Roseaman shares her tops tips on opening your speech when speaking in public
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Choosing Your Attitude
By Jessica Mcgregor Johnson - January 25, 2015
It can be a challenging time when our world as we know it shifts beneath our feet. One of my favourite quotes is: Don’t worry about having the carpet pulled from under your feet; learn to dance on a shifting carpet. That’s the key right now, and it all depends on where your focus is... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Why Your Job (Description) is Never Done!
By Julie Perrine - January 25, 2015
We’ve spent 2014, the International Year of the Secretary and Admin Assistant, discussing ways you can advance your career and the administrative profession. We’ve focused on everything from mentorship to generational differences, but one of our primary focuses has been on creating your new and improved job description. A detailed description of your job... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Mission, Vision and Strategy – and the importance for the Executive Assistant
By Richard Arnott - January 25, 2015
Can an assistant be effective if they do not understand the Mission, Vision and Strategy of the organization that they are supporting? asks Richard Arnott
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Tune In to Tone
By Shirley Taylor - January 25, 2015
I recently watched the sad news of another high school shooting in the US. The news reporter was emitting a tone of horror, sadness and sympathy when she interviewed a student witness. However, the student answered in a very objective, flat, almost disinterested, tone. The difference in the tone the student used and the tone... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Finding the Gray Area in 2015 – Realistic Goal Setting
By Rhonda Scharf - January 25, 2015
When I’m talking about “finding the gray area” for realistic goal setting, I’m not referring to hair — although I have to admit, I’m due for a colour. But honestly, when we set goals, we tend to think in terms of black and white. We want to be thin, we want to look better, we... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
PROFILE – Heather Baker
By Lucy Brazier OBE - January 25, 2015
Heather Baker is an International speaker, trainer and author, and the creator of the BakerWrite speedwriting system
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
New Year, New Start? Not Necessarily…
By Susie Kay - January 25, 2015
This year I have made a New Year’s resolution not to make any New Year’s resolutions. I am so relieved! It is going to mean that I can just concentrate on planning what I need to achieve this year in order to enhance my ability to reach more people with my message and grow... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
How to Make Your Own Luck!
By Carole Spiers - January 25, 2015
At a dinner party the other evening, we were debating whether we were born lucky or was it that we make our own luck. My own sense is that we can create our own good fortune by taking control of our own life and being aware and receptive to opportunities that come our way, at... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Resilience: A Must-Have Skill
By Joan Burge - January 25, 2015
Joan Burge looks at what it means to be a resilient Assistant.
Processes & Procedures Productivity
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
The Art of Proofreading
By Kathleen Drum - January 25, 2015
Kathleen Drum shares her proofreading secrets
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2015
Issue: January / February 2015
Neuroscience – Maximizing the Power of Your Brain for Excellence – Part II – Sleep and Memory
By Sue France - January 25, 2015
Sue France discusses how our sleep can affect our memory in part 2 of her articles on neuroscience