Editor's Letters
Issue: January / February 2012

An event to remember or a series of unfortunate events?

By - January 27, 2012

If there is one part of my job that I have a passionate love:hate relationship with, it is organising events. I love it because it’s a great chance to project manage something exciting and creative. There is a huge sense of satisfaction when the day finally comes and you have pulled it all off with... Read more »
Cover Story Leadership
Issue: January / February 2012

The Latest Innovation is You

By - January 26, 2012

Julie Perrine on choosing an innovative mindset: Innovation isn’t just for technology - it’s the key to your career future.
Issue: January / February 2012

Why You Should Talk to Your Boss

By - January 25, 2012

Adam Fidler explains why a successful boss/PA working relationship is founded on face-to-face communication, and how PAs fall into the ineffective trap of relying solely on email as a source of dialogue with their boss In a previous organisation where I worked, having come from outside (rather than being a PA who was recruited from... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2012

Where have all the PAs gone?

By - January 25, 2012

Adam Fidler sets out the case for teaching office skills at pre-employment, or post-University There was a time when a school leaver, having completed their exams, at the age of 16, could hold their head up high and state that they were going to college to study secretarial skills. They were proud and enthused to think... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2012

What Brings Your Team Back on Monday?

By - January 25, 2012

A look at what it takes to keep your team motivated. On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men are created jerks. – H. Allen Smith In The 360° Leader, John Maxwell shares a humorous story about a turkey chatting with a bull. ‘I would love to be able to get... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2012

The Travel Arranger’s Guide to an Easy Life

By - January 25, 2012

Get them there and back effortlessly with these great tips   In our last issue, Executive Secretary ran a ‘how to’ guide for those in senior roles with responsibility for managing large travel programmes. For those Executive Secretaries working for smaller organisations who have a more hands-on role planning and booking – either directly or... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2012

The Secret to Great Meetings that Every Employee Should Know

By - January 25, 2012

What will be different when the meeting ends?   People spend a significant portion of every workweek in meetings, many of them complaining about the wasted time and catching up on email while being ‘held captive.’ I know because I’ve received many of those emails, along with promises to call if the meeting ever ends.... Read more »
Project Management
Issue: January / February 2012

Six Clichés That Make You a Better Project Manager

By - January 25, 2012

ClichĂ©s are funny. We don’t like to hear them, but we often use them in everyday conversation. ClichĂ©s are a useful way to make a point because the meaning of them is universally understood, even if not entirely true. Just because something is a clichĂ© doesn’t mean it can, or should be, ignored. Here are... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2012

Rebuilding Workplace Relationships

By - January 25, 2012

Why they fall apart and how you can rebuild them ‘Whenever I walk into Jan’s office, she gives me the cold shoulder’. ‘Every time I see Tom, he gives me a nasty look before I can say hello’. ‘I get the feeling that Sally is mad at me’. Do any of these statements sound familiar?... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2012


By - January 25, 2012

What does rapport mean and how can I create it with anyone? asks Garth Delikan
Issue: January / February 2012

Proper Business Protocol 2.0

By - January 25, 2012

Robert Hosking shows how being a model employee just takes a little consideration
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2012

Professional Development – What do Admins Want?

By - January 25, 2012

Eth Lloyd looks at the development opportunities administration professionals want and how they can find them
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2012

Preparing for Leave

By - January 25, 2012

‘Maternity Leave, Carers Leave, Career Breaks
 But how will leaving work affect your career?   ‘Most of us will need to take an extended period of leave from work at some stage in our careers. In fact, it is to be expected, and companies should support employees through major life events such as having a... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2012

Network your Brand!

By - January 25, 2012

Some practical advice on how to take your personal brand to the world. Have you ever thought about how visible you are and how often people talk about you or remark about you to others? Do colleagues and friends have to describe you in a lot of detail for others to know who you are... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: January / February 2012

Is there a Future for Recruitment Agencies?

By - January 25, 2012

As our workforce and economy navigates uncertain times, what role will recruitment agencies play? One of the earliest mentions of an employment agency dates back to 1650, when Henry Robinson proposed to Parliament the creation of an “Office of Addresses and Encounters” by which employers could connect with workers. Since then, the industry has come... Read more »
Processes & Procedures
Issue: January / February 2012

How to Overcome Your Fear of Networking Events

By - January 25, 2012

Managing your anxiety when meeting new people Networking has become a major marketing tool for both small and large companies, helping them make new contacts and generate business. For most, networking is seen as a valuable opportunity. But for some it generates fear and anxiety. Talking to strangers doesn’t come naturally to everyone – for... Read more »