Issue: March / April 2016

How Effective Telephone Conferences Can Become the Norm with a Little Effort

By - March 25, 2016

Five Tips for Brushing Up on Your Telephone Conference Etiquette   Let’s face it: Some meetings sail efficiently toward solutions and others leave you wondering why you bothered.   One of office workers’ biggest gripes about phone conferences is the tendency of some participants to talk over one another, according to a recent OfficeTeam survey.... Read more »
Cover Story Productivity
Issue: January / February 2016

Four Basic Steps to Organizing Anything

By - January 25, 2016

Julie Perrine reveals the simple organizing system she picked up from the experts Organization is an essential skill for every successful assistant. However, given the chaos of our work environments, and the complexity of some projects, getting and staying organized can be a challenge even for the most organized among us. Throughout my career, I’ve... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2016

The Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your Incoming Email

By - January 25, 2016

Now is the perfect time to cull your inbox, says Marsha Egan   Email use is on the rise. Daily, people on all rungs of the corporate ladder, entrepreneurs, and those working from home complain about the number of emails they receive. They tell me how much work it is for them to handle and... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2016

Make Space for the New by Letting Go of the Old

By - January 25, 2016

Bin dead projects and create some valuable time, but don't rush to fill it with new things says Kathleen Drum
Issue: January / February 2016

Why Do I Feel So Overwhelmed?

By - January 25, 2016

Step away from the hamster wheel advises Liz Stincelli
Issue: January / February 2016

3 Ways Successful People Achieve Their New Year’s Goals

By - January 25, 2016

Shweta Jhajharia shares the three techniques to achieve your New Year’s goals that have worked in her life, and the lives of the most successful business people she knows
Issue: January / February 2016

Taking Stock

By - January 25, 2016

First count up your 2015 successes, says Jessica McGregor Johnson At this time of year there is lots of talk about setting resolutions and goals to make this year the best one yet. However, even before you start to look forward you need to do a stock take. Any retail store manager knows that every now and... Read more »
Issue: November / December 2015

The Struggle Is Real: Disorganization Can Cost You

By - November 25, 2015

Getting organized is about getting to know the real you, says Julie Perrine… Administrative professionals have to be on top of their game to successfully support their executives. Yet a lot of us struggle with something that often undermines our ability to do that: disorganization. As a whole, administrative professionals are usually a pretty put-together... Read more »
Issue: November / December 2015

Shorthand – Still a Vital Office Skill

By - November 25, 2015

Adam Fidler champions the role of shorthand in today’s professional workplace Do people still use shorthand in the office? Do I need to learn shorthand? Do executives still “dictate” letters to their Assistants? These are questions I am often asked by secretarial students, who are debating whether to take the time to learn shorthand as... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2015

Planning Is the Difference Between Being Busy and Being Effective!

By - July 25, 2015

Marsha Egan details her top planning tips We’ve all heard the expression, “Fire, Shoot – Aim!” Unfortunately, many of us use this approach in planning our work and our days. The more you plan, the more effectively your time will be spent. Instead of being busy, and even overwhelmed, planning will help you accomplish the... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2015

Take Back Your Day! 5 Tips for Understanding and Planning Your Time and Resources

By - July 25, 2015

Be an office hero with Sandy Geroux's timely advice
Issue: May / June 2015

Are you“Tech-Savvy”?

By - May 25, 2015

What does it mean to be Tech-Savvy? asks Vickie Sokol Evans
Issue: May / June 2015

Stay Sane and Delegate

By - May 25, 2015

For some, the word delegation is not a word which often falls in to their work life vocabulary. Tainted with the philosophy of “if you want something doing properly, do it yourself” or the apprehension at the thought of passing work on to someone else, who already has their own workload to be getting on... Read more »
back-up: holiday vs office
Issue: May / June 2015

Let the Back-up Begin!

By - May 25, 2015

Not having back-up systems in place leaves a company vulnerable explains Bonnie Low Kramen
Issue: March / April 2015

What Kind of Organised Are You?

By - March 25, 2015

For most of the people reading this article, being organised will be second nature – it’s how we ensure that our achievements list grows and grows and how we get to the end of a working day with a sense of a job well done. Depending on which dictionary you consult it is possible to... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2015

New Year, New Start? Not Necessarily…

By - January 25, 2015

This year I have made a New Year’s resolution not to make any New Year’s resolutions. I am so relieved!   It is going to mean that I can just concentrate on planning what I need to achieve this year in order to enhance my ability to reach more people with my message and grow... Read more »