Processes & Procedures Productivity
Issue: January / February 2015

The Art of Proofreading

By - January 25, 2015

Kathleen Drum shares her proofreading secrets
Issue: January / February 2015

Time Management or Behaviour Management – Part 3

By - January 25, 2015

We have been exploring our behaviours in relationship to how we manage our time. The question that we still need to explore further is “What other skills could I use that would help me manage the behaviours I have when dealing with time?   Meetings and time   What is the real value of a... Read more »
Issue: November / December 2014

Getting to Grips With Your Time

By - November 25, 2014

In my previous article we looked at our “Assumptions of Time” and we analysed how much of our behaviour was contributing to our time management challenges. In this article we will explore our ability to plan and then prioritise tasks in order to achieve the plan. We have explored tasks that are Urgent vs Important,... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2014

Say No – Set Your Boundaries, Get More Done

By - September 25, 2014

Feel like you’re on a treadmill that will never stop? Too much to do? Too much to get done?   Just as the overlap between our work and our home lives has become blurred, and technology has connected us to people and tasks around the clock, we could all be working 24/7 and still feel... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2014

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

By - September 25, 2014

Heather Baker details her top tips on the best ways to delegate
Issue: January / February 2014

Just Because We Can, Should We?

By - January 25, 2014

Just because we can, should we? Be connected to our work 24/7, that is? The advances in digital technology have been truly amazing – enabling us to be connected, well, constantly. With our ability to check email at 2am, receive phone calls while traveling wherever we are, and hold real time video meetings with clients... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

Managing Interruptions From Your Boss

By - July 23, 2013

Do you feel as if you’re constantly interrupted during the working day? “Most of us find these interruptions particularly difficult. After all, that’s our job — to be helpful, co-operative and available when needed. You want to maintain a positive relationship, demonstrate a “can do” attitude and keep on top of your workload. But it’s... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

Do Not Disturb

By - July 22, 2013

Proactive responses to common distractions   Recently, an inmate was released after serving a 20-year sentence. Reentering the world after two decades would probably reveal many surprises to anyone. However, this former prisoner’s only comment to the press was about his astonishment at all the people texting – and not talking – in a restaurant... Read more »
Issue: November / December 2012

Are you an email hoarder?

By - November 25, 2012

I’ll admit that occasionally I watch the TLC show Hoarders. I always feel better about myself after I watch it. My life may be messy sometimes, but it isn’t anything like that! Or is it? You may not be a classic hoarder. You may not have areas of your home and office that are crowded... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2012

Swimming Through Molasses!

By - September 25, 2012

Overwhelmed by your inbox? Fear not, there is a way to lessen the feeling of burden.   Can you imagine trying to swim in a pool full of molasses? It would be almost impossible. Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that it feels like you’re doing just that? You’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced life,... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2012

Double Trouble

By - July 25, 2012

Juggling the demands of more than one executive? You're not alone! says Lindsay Taylor
Issue: January / February 2012

A Desk You Can be Proud of

By - January 25, 2012

A no-nonsense guide to achieving a more organized work space I walked into my office the other day… and turned around and walked right back out. How did it get so messy? How did I let this happen? I couldn’t blame anyone else – I did it all by myself. I do like a busy... Read more »
Issue: November / December 2011

Smart ways to manage e-mail chains

By - November 25, 2011

Dr Monica Seeley explains how to stop an e-mail chain from spiralling out of control   E-mail threads (chains) are the bane of many people’s lives. You know the symptoms: • Endless ‘Reply All’ e-mails about the same topic; • Ever-expanding lists of names in both the cc and To box; • The content but... Read more »
Issue: November / December 2011

If You’re Thinking of Checking that Blackberry in a Meeting – Don’t!

By - November 25, 2011

We’ve all done it. The meeting is going on and on. Your boss is rambling. You “get” the gist of the concept. You’re bored. Your mind drifts. Hmmm. Wonder what newfound treasure has appeared in my PDA?   Who will notice if you sneak a peak? Your boss will. Others in the meeting will. Don’t... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011

The Five Folder System

By - September 25, 2011

Keep track of your paperwork with Adam Fidler’s five folder system Swamped with paperwork? Is your desk used as a dumping ground? What’s the best system to use to keep on top of those papers? The following process focuses on just five folders (A4 document wallets). The secret is that every piece of paper you... Read more »