Health & Wellbeing
Issue: May / June 2018
Issue: May / June 2018
How to avoid Alzheimer’s!
By Rona Cant - May 25, 2018
We have choices and we must take all of them into account explains Rona Cant
Issue: March / April 2018
Issue: March / April 2018
You never know what is around the corner
By Rona Cant - March 25, 2018
Rona Cant shares her story of being diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2018
Issue: January / February 2018
Try Something New
By Rona Cant - January 25, 2018
Unless we explore all the options that are available, how will we know what is the best thing for us? asks Rona Cant
Personal Development
Issue: November / December 2017
Issue: November / December 2017
There’s more than one way to achieve your dream!
By Rona Cant - November 25, 2017
Think about your dreams from many different angles says Rona Cant
Issue: March / April 2017
Issue: March / April 2017
What is the Reality?
By Rona Cant - March 24, 2017
Who is right – the people on the ground or the reported news from those who want to sell a paper? asks Rona Cant
Issue: January / February 2017
Issue: January / February 2017
Just Do It – Help Someone
By Rona Cant - January 25, 2017
Sometimes we feel that maybe we could do more to help other people, but taking the first step is hard says Rona Cant
Issue: November / December 2016
Issue: November / December 2016
Technology vs. Humans
By Rona Cant - November 25, 2016
All I want is a computer that will work with me and not against me, pleads Rona Cant
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2016
Issue: July / August 2016
What has gone wrong with us?
By Rona Cant - July 25, 2016
Rona Cant reminds us that it is people that matter, not possessions
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2016
Issue: May / June 2016
Check what they say is what they mean!
By Rona Cant - May 25, 2016
Rona Cant shares a cautionary tale of resilience and perseverance
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2016
Issue: March / April 2016
Just Do It Technophobe!
By Rona Cant - March 25, 2016
Will I get it wrong? Will I make a mess of it? asks Rona Cant
Issue: January / February 2016
Issue: January / February 2016
What’s Holding you Back?
By Rona Cant - January 25, 2016
The sky’s the limit if you’re brave enough, believes Rona Cant
Issue: May / June 2015
Issue: May / June 2015
EQ and A Round the World Yacht Race
By Rona Cant - May 25, 2015
Some months ago I was interviewed by Sarah Hopwood for a TV Channel about the use of Emotional Intelligence on the BT Global Challenge Round the World Yacht Race in 2001 and what it had meant to me. I felt it was imperative that we understood and utilised this skill to maintain good relationships whilst... Read more »