Issue: July / August 2014

Four Ways to Build a Culture of Courage

By - July 25, 2014

Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – TS Eliot Author Leo Buscaglia tells this story of his mother and their “misery dinner”. It was the night after his father came home and said it looked as if he would have to go into bankruptcy because... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2014

Career Management: The 7 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Advancement

By - July 25, 2014

Like most hardworking professionals, you’re committed to your job and want to be recognised and rewarded for your efforts. But even if you’re highly effective in your role, you might be undermining your chances for advancement. These subtle career management mistakes could have been holding back raises and promotions for years without you even knowing... Read more »
Processes & Procedures
Issue: July / August 2014

Three tips for public speaking

By - July 25, 2014

Correct breathing, voice and speech techniques form the foundation for public speaking explains Adam Milford
Project Management
Issue: July / August 2014

Bring on the breakfast meeting

By - July 25, 2014

The saying goes “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” and while I agree, I want to take this adage one step further and claim “breakfast is the best time to meet during the day”. To help communicate this message, and inspired by an increase of breakfast meeting enquiries, we have launched London... Read more »
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: July / August 2014

Walking Works for Business CHANGE

By - July 25, 2014

In today’s fast-moving business world increasing productivity is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, but is this at the cost of health and wellbeing of employees? Walking Works is an innovative new programme designed to benefit employers and employees through walking and good health. It takes my Walking for Weight Loss scheme of structured walking... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2014

Four Benefits to Book Clubs in the Workplace

By - July 25, 2014

Kemetia Foley extolls the virtues of the humble tome
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2014

Owning Our Experience

By - July 25, 2014

My article in last month’s issue suggested we could all benefit from learning to “own” our reactions. I pointed out that while reactions are automatic, and so aren’t immediately controllable (at least the thinking and feeling part of our reactions), they’re still happening inside us. They’re still determined by our own internal programming. So blaming... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2014

Mastery is the Path

By - July 25, 2014

Mastery is not perfection, but rather a journey, and the true master must be willing to try and fail and try again. – George Leonard If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all. – Michaelangelo Mastery is great, but even that is not enough. You have... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2014

The Tragedy of Everest

By - July 25, 2014

On the 18th April 2014, 13 Sherpas were killed (three are still missing) by an avalanche on Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Everest has become an obsession – whereas it was once the preserve of climbers it appears to be more like the first day of the Sales – I must get... Read more »
Project Management
Issue: July / August 2014

The First Steps in Planning a Meeting

By - July 25, 2014

The prospect of planning a meeting can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the task. As with many endeavors, getting started can be the hardest part. It helps if you begin with a good grasp of the meeting itself and the outcome you want to achieve. The more information you gather upfront, the more... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2014

5 Ways Storytelling Can Empower Your Business

By - July 25, 2014

Storytelling is a powerful communication tool. The wisdom of the ages has been preserved because it was handed down the generations through myths, legends, fables and parables. If it can survive thousands of years, then imagine what it can, right now, do for your business. Neurologically we’re wired for narratives; it’s how our brains work.... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2014

10 Tips for When a Business Presentation Goes Wrong

By - July 25, 2014

Will you be able to think on your feet and save the day? asks Michael Collins
Issue: July / August 2014

Using Effective Dialogue in Resolving Conflict

By - July 24, 2014

In my last article, I wrote about the “taste” of Diversity. I shared with you points on creating relationships in a diverse team. With this process comes conflict. I thought it would be beneficial to share with you the process we got through in conflict and what we can do to change the outcome and... Read more »