Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2013

Trust Cuts to the Quick

By - July 23, 2013

Do you feel the need to “watch your back” at work? How about your friends and family? What percentage of people do you think feel that they need to do so? Expand the experiences of your circle of contacts across the entire country and it would be interesting to discover how much time is wasted... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

The most essential Excel feature every assistant should use

By - July 23, 2013

As a former PA turned technology instructor, Vickie Sokol Evans has worked with every type of document, spreadsheet, presentation and database you can imagine over the past 25 years, and seen some major improvements in the technology since the dos-based version of Word. We have the capability to get more things done in less time,... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

Where Are YOU on Google?

By - July 23, 2013

Project Management
Issue: July / August 2013

Your Administrative Role in Disaster Recovery Planning

By - July 23, 2013

A hurricane is bearing down and your office has just received notice you have one hour to evacuate before flood waters sweep into the area. What do you do? Your office is damaged by fire and you’re forced to work from home for the next six weeks. Are you set up to do it? Have... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2013

Feelgood Factor

By - July 23, 2013

Imagine your body being strong and flexible. You are hydrated. You feed and fuel your body well daily. You have energy all day, every day, and you sleep well each night. You don’t drag through the afternoons. You have energy available for those last-minute afternoon rush assignments. “Generally speaking, you feel great and can get... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

Three Ways to Become a Better Writer … No, It’s Not Hopeless

By - July 23, 2013

The Dershowitz dilemma An article in the July/Aug 2012 Yale Alumni Magazine listed some famous Yale graduates’ favourite classes and the stories behind them. “In one vignette, Alan Dershowitz, Yale ’62 LLB attorney, Harvard law professor and best-selling author, told a surprising (and very well-written) tale (The Class I’ll Never Forget): In his first-year Torts... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2013

We Miss You, Katharine Gibbs

By - July 23, 2013

Let’s say you win $50 million in the lotto. And because you’re so completely devoted to the administrative profession, you decide to build a post-secondary school devoted to the complete education of an elite group of administrative professionals. Where would you begin?   “I pose the question because recently I had to research educational programming... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

Plan B

By - July 23, 2013

When we, the 60s generation, began working we were absolutely sure that the job we were going to choose would last all our lives. “Even if we might have decided to change companies, (though in Italy this is not common), we were able to do what we studied for and had a real possibility of... Read more »
Processes & Procedures
Issue: July / August 2013

A Million Miles a Minute

By - July 23, 2013

I want you to know its not your fault. You know, the dread you feel about taking minutes, its far from unique. Two things can be observed about minute taking straight away; one is that anybody who has been at in a meeting and tried minuting at the same time only ever attempts it once,... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2013

Avoiding Common Job-search Mistakes

By - July 23, 2013

Administrative professionals with the most in-demand skills — especially those who can make immediate contributions with minimal training — can uncover an increasing number of opportunities in the current business environment. But landing a new position will require you to be in top form during your job quest. Sometimes the best way to prepare for... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2013

Be the Calm Through the Storm!

By - July 23, 2013

Since 2008 the economic climate has been causing considerable stress for many whether in a small business or a global organisation. Our sense of security has been eroded due to the actions of a few people who made a large impact on the way the western world works. “Many people who wanted to improve their... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

A Relaxing Saturday on the Links with Uncle Ron

By - July 23, 2013

Have you ever been on the receiving end of an angry tirade that made you feel threatened? That’s exactly what happened to me Saturday on the golf course. “I was on a minivacation with my mom, golfing on a beautiful Saturday with my Uncle Ron and my cousin, Debbie. My uncle is an average golfer.... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

Respect Makes Human Interactions Work

By - July 23, 2013

“Treat others as you would want them to treat you!” How many times do we hear this being said? We say it to our children and hope that they will remember it for the rest of their lives. We all know that to earn respect, we must first give respect and, of course, give it... Read more »
Business people and gear.
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2013

Dream Team

By - July 23, 2013

Consider the value of team-building programmes to create the outcomes to progress individuals and develop the team, explains Malcolm Taylor
Project Management
Issue: July / August 2013

Risk Management for Events

By - July 23, 2013

Risk management may not sound the sexiest of topics, but with duty of care so high on the corporate agenda and the increasing budgetary scrutiny of events, it is vital to take steps to try to ensure that nothing goes wrong on the big day. “There are four commonly used strategies for managing risk at... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

Your Guide to Using Serviced Apartments for Corporate Travel

By - July 23, 2013

Once the preserve of only the savviest business travellers in the US the emergence of serviced apartments across the world has marked a new era in business travel in the UK. The serviced apartment sector has grown significantly over the past few years with more and more companies and organisations incorporating them as a major... Read more »