tech training
Issue: December 2021 / January 2022

Tech Training in 2022

By - November 25, 2021

Mastering today’s tech means you’ll be able to build upon that knowledge for years to come, explains Vickie Sokol Evans
Personal Development
Issue: November / December 2019

Putting the Personal Back into Personal Development

By - November 25, 2019

Recognise the personal value of training beyond the confines of your day-to-day role says Heather Wright
Editor's Letters
Issue: July / August 2019

#AskForTraining Campaign

By - July 31, 2019

Everything you want is out there waiting for you. But you have to take action to get it says Lucy Brazier
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2019

Professional Development Training

By - May 24, 2019

Is training really necessary for administrative professional staff? asks Christy Crump
Career Development
Issue: March / April 2019

Asking for Training

By - March 6, 2019

Managers and executives seem to have forgotten the reasons why investing in employees matters says Andrew Jardine
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2018

The Importance of Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone – Now!

By - July 25, 2018

Choose growth over habit says Judy Geller
Career Development
Issue: March / April 2018

Bringing Training Back with Impact

By - March 25, 2018

Melissa Esquibel explains how to bring training back to the office
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2018

Education and Improvement

By - March 25, 2018

One tiny bit of education can make the difference to you, your job, your executive, your company, your life, notes Rhonda Scharf
Career Development
Issue: November / December 2017

“Training” an Executive new to working with an Assistant

By - November 25, 2017

"Training" an executive new to working with an Assistant is a fantastic opportunity to educate them in the art of administrative support explains Eth Lloyd
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2017

Advancing in Your Field

By - July 27, 2017

Do your research, make a plan, and get the development you need to succeed, says Brandi Britton
Issue: November / December 2014

Five (Often Overlooked) Ways Administrative Staff Training Helps Leaders Succeed

By - November 25, 2014

Despite relying on assistants to handle vital responsibilities, many leaders fail to provide training opportunities says Sandy Geroux
Cover Story
Issue: March / April 2014

Getting to Yes! – Gaining Support for Training

By - March 25, 2014

Don’t take “no” for an answer, says Joan Burge
Cover Story Leadership
Issue: January / February 2014

IYOTSA 2014; Powered by Excellence

By - January 26, 2014

Your guide to the International Year of the Secretary and Assistant 1. What is IYOTSA? IYOTSA is the International Year of the Secretary and Assistant. It takes place this year, 2014. In 1984, a similar international celebration was organised by the PSI and 2014 marks its 30th anniversary. The 2014 celebrations are coming out of... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: November / December 2013

Changing Perceptions

By - November 27, 2013

Here at Executive Secretary, we are gearing up for a year that could change the world for Assistants. Did you know that 2014 is the International Year of the Secretary and that we have just been appointed as Global Brand Ambassador for this extraordinary event? It’s 30 years since the last one and it couldn’t... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2013

Gaining Support From Your Employer to Invest in Your Professional Development

By - May 25, 2013

What is the value of your professional development to your employer? asks Eth Lloyd
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2012

Your Training Business Case

By - May 25, 2012

By building a request for personal development into a business case you may have more success in gaining your employer’s support explains Julie Perrine It’s a common complaint: my boss won’t approve my training or professional development requests. But it may not be your boss’s fault. It may be the way you’re asking or failing... Read more »