Career Development
Issue: January / February 2015

Why Your Job (Description) is Never Done!

By - January 25, 2015

We’ve spent 2014, the International Year of the Secretary and Admin Assistant, discussing ways you can advance your career and the administrative profession. We’ve focused on everything from mentorship to generational differences, but one of our primary focuses has been on creating your new and improved job description.   A detailed description of your job... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: November / December 2014

An Admin’s Guide to Creating a Strategic Career Plan

By - November 25, 2014

As admins, we often get so wrapped up in our daily professional routines that we forget to look at the bigger picture. We go to work, take care of business, and go home. Then we get up and do it again the next day. While there’s no harm in having a routine, it can be... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2014

Taking Care of Yourself: A Path to Focused Self-Care

By - September 25, 2014

Julie Perrine's top tips on practicing self-care
Issue: July / August 2014

PROFILE – Julie Perrine

By - July 25, 2014

Julie Perrine is the Founder and CEO of All Things Admin
Issue: May / June 2014

10 Tips to Help Admins Become Exceptional Public Speakers

By - May 25, 2014

You have a terrific idea for making an improvement to how your team manages projects. It will save a lot of time and eliminate a lot of unnecessary emails. You have to pitch the idea to the three project managers you work with daily, then you have to pitch it to your executive. Could you... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: March / April 2014

5 Simple Steps to Developing a New and Improved Job Description

By - March 26, 2014

A complete and detailed description of your job is extremely important to your professional career says Julie Perrine It’s not just important if and when you decide to take a new position outside your company or assume a new role within your organization. It’s also vital in helping your executive and colleagues get an accurate... Read more »
Issue: January / February 2014

Get Connected: 7 Reasons Why All Admins Need Social Media

By - January 25, 2014

Social media is an omnipresent part of our society and culture. It’s a valuable and important means of communication for personal and professional correspondence. It’s a lifeline for many people’s and companies’ marketing and branding efforts. And it’s vital to your administrative career. Yet astoundingly many admins still don’t recognize the value in social media.... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: November / December 2013

Be Your Own Best Professional Advocate

By - November 25, 2013

If you don’t proactively promote yourself, and your professional abilities and accomplishments, who will? asks Julie Perrine As an admin, being your own biggest professional advocate is crucial in advancing and preserving your career… because if you don’t take the initiative, nobody will. Advocating for yourself in a professional capacity shows that you have confidence,... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2013

Become the CEO of Your Career

By - September 25, 2013

An Administrative Assistant’s primary job is to support their executive and support him or her in any way possible – whether it’s organizing a board meeting or making travel arrangements for a business trip. The nature of our job means our professional needs frequently take a backseat to those of the executives and teams we... Read more »
Project Management
Issue: July / August 2013

Your Administrative Role in Disaster Recovery Planning

By - July 23, 2013

A hurricane is bearing down and your office has just received notice you have one hour to evacuate before flood waters sweep into the area. What do you do? Your office is damaged by fire and you’re forced to work from home for the next six weeks. Are you set up to do it? Have... Read more »
Issue: May / June 2013

Lessons to Learn Today to Be a Better Admin Tomorrow

By - May 25, 2013

The days of admins taking dictations from their executives and typing on typewriters are long gone. Making carbon copies and delivering them to the “in-boxes” on our executives’ desks is a thing of the past. Thanks to modern technology and advancements in our field, these tasks are now largely obsolete. The administrative assistant landscape has... Read more »
Cover Story
Issue: March / April 2013

7 Tips for Creating Effective Administrative Procedures

By - March 23, 2013

Julie Perrine on how to get organised Administrative procedures are a vital component of any efficient office. They’re an extremely valuable resource and creating them is a huge service to your executive and team. Not only do they allow others to easily cover for you during absences or vacations, they also act as a reference... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: November / December 2012

What Your Executive Needs From You

By - November 25, 2012

Have you ever heard an executive raving about his or her assistant and wondered what that person does that garners such praise? Would you like to be that person? As an administrative professional turned entrepreneur, my perspective has shifted from how to become the admin my executives couldn’t live without, to finding admins I can... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2012

Developing Your Personal Advisory Board

By - September 25, 2012

Surround yourself with many wise advisors, and you’ll reap the benefits of their wisdom and insights explains Julie Perrine
Issue: July / August 2012

5 Ways to Develop Your Business Acumen

By - July 25, 2012

Learning the "business' of business is essential for career success, Julie Perrine show's us what it's about
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2012

Your Training Business Case

By - May 25, 2012

By building a request for personal development into a business case you may have more success in gaining your employer’s support explains Julie Perrine It’s a common complaint: my boss won’t approve my training or professional development requests. But it may not be your boss’s fault. It may be the way you’re asking or failing... Read more »