Career Development
Issue: July / August 2017

Give Your Executive Reason to Respect and Value the Daily Meeting

By - July 27, 2017

Daily meetings or check-ins allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of the company, and make you an invaluable asset says explains Julie Perrine
Issue: May / June 2017

Four Things that Erode Your Effectiveness and What to Do About Them

By - May 25, 2017

Understanding where you’re spending your time can improve your overall productivity on the job says Julie Perrine
Issue: March / April 2017

An Admin’s Guide to Documenting Systems

By - March 24, 2017

Documented systems save time, keep you on track, and allow you to delegate to others when necessary explains Julie Perrine
Issue: January / February 2017

Systems and Procedures: What They Are and Why You Need Both

By - January 25, 2017

Systems and procedures make your job easier and support you and your team says Julie Perrine
Career Development
Issue: November / December 2016

Unleash the Power of Innovation in Your Career

By - November 25, 2016

What steps should you take to ensure that you aren’t at risk of becoming obsolete? asks Julie Perrine
Career Development
Issue: September / October 2016

You Didn’t Get the Job – Now What?

By - September 26, 2016

A failed interview does not equal a failed career says Julie Perrine
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2016

Procedures Don’t Replace You; They Show Your Immense Value

By - July 25, 2016

If you believe that a set of procedures can replace you, you’re not adding enough value to your company says Julie Perrine
Personal Development
Issue: May / June 2016

Avoiding the Four Mental States that Can Lead to Big Mistakes

By - May 25, 2016

Julie Perrine shares her strategies to mitigate mistakes and avoid the four mental states that cause or contribute to them
Career Development
Issue: March / April 2016

The Admin’s Guide to Career Organization

By - March 25, 2016

Julie Perrine explains why job security doesn’t lie within a company. It lies within you.
Cover Story Productivity
Issue: January / February 2016

Four Basic Steps to Organizing Anything

By - January 25, 2016

Julie Perrine reveals the simple organizing system she picked up from the experts Organization is an essential skill for every successful assistant. However, given the chaos of our work environments, and the complexity of some projects, getting and staying organized can be a challenge even for the most organized among us. Throughout my career, I’ve... Read more »
Issue: November / December 2015

The Struggle Is Real: Disorganization Can Cost You

By - November 25, 2015

Getting organized is about getting to know the real you, says Julie Perrine… Administrative professionals have to be on top of their game to successfully support their executives. Yet a lot of us struggle with something that often undermines our ability to do that: disorganization. As a whole, administrative professionals are usually a pretty put-together... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2015

Think It, Ink It! How Journaling Enhances Your Admin Career

By - September 25, 2015

A feather quill or SmartPen? Either will do, says Julie Perrine… Journaling. For many, it conjures memories of homework assigned by grade school teachers. But keeping a journal actually has a lot of awesome benefits for adult professionals, especially admins. A journal is a place to capture ideas, work through your thoughts, ideas and experiences.... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2015

An Admin’s Guide to Travel Planning

By - July 25, 2015

From apps to stats, Julie Perrine takes us on a journey and shares her guide to travel planning As an administrative professional, it’s your responsibility to make your executive’s professional life easier. This probably isn’t an issue when your executive is sitting nearby at their desk, but it gets a little more complicated when he... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2015

Between Jobs? Stay Relevant by Getting Involved

By - May 25, 2015

Being an administrative professional can be a rewarding and exciting career. However, like any profession, it doesn’t come with a 100% guarantee. Layoffs happen. Companies are bought and sold everyday. And executives retire, get transferred, or change roles. In today’s unpredictable economy, administrative jobs can be few and far between in some places. However, a... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: March / April 2015

Have a Goal? Get a System!

By - March 25, 2015

Most admins have personal and professional goals. However, many are missing a crucial component to accomplishing them: a system. James Clear, an author and habits expert, says, “Forget goals. Focus on systems instead.” And he is right. Systems are procedures with a built in repetitive plan of action for how you get stuff done. Part... Read more »
Editor's Letters
Issue: January / February 2015

The Way Forward

By - January 26, 2015

So that’s it! The International Year of the Secretary and Assistant is no more. After a year of speaking, writing, campaigning and generally stirring up the world’s Assistants and Executives it has all come to an end. PAFSA in South Africa will be collating all the results over the next couple of months in order to take a view... Read more »