Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2011

Bouncing Back

By - September 25, 2011

How to deal with setbacks in your career   You’ve just missed out on a promotion. You’ve been made redundant. You’ve failed an exam essential to the qualification you need. How do you deal with such set-backs? Are you immobilised by regret, disappointment, stress or worry? Or are you the resilient type who can quickly... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2011

How To Boost Your Career Willpower

By - July 25, 2011

Graham W Price details the tools you need to change focus You know what you need to do to take your career forward but despite your best intentions you’re just not doing it. We make excuses, such as lack of time or other things getting in the way, but really it’s about us lacking the... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2011

Stress Resilience & the Power of Positive Acceptance

By - March 25, 2011

Your boss is hassling you. You have a presentation to give and no time to prepare. Your partner is threatening to leave because you spend too much time at work. In case these pressures aren’t enough, the one person you depend on for support at work has just gone off sick. If this was your... Read more »