Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2013

Lady Luck

By - July 23, 2013

Are you attracting luck or is it merely coincidence? Or maybe, just maybe, it’s written in the stars… “Do you ever notice that once you have an idea or decide that you want to do something, strange coincidences seem to happen? The idea may be to start a new venture, sell your house, buy a... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2013

The Open Plan Office Survival Guide

By - July 23, 2013

Open plan work environments are the norm in most organisations. Some are ‘hot-desking’ where your workstation is allocated fresh daily. But how can you and your colleagues make the most of this environment without causing undue distraction? “Open plan environments are flexible, positively encouraging conversation, and for many an enjoyable part of working life. But... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2013

Your intuition is powerful ….. use it!

By - July 23, 2013

I’m a man, so for my first 30 years, intuition hardly ever featured in my life. I was aware that the fairer sex (perhaps I should play safe and say the other gender) employed their intuition more than I but, confusing intuition with emotion, I figured intuition was somehow less reliable than my male-biased rational... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2013

One Size Does Not Fit All

By - July 23, 2013

I’m a list writer. I find that it helps me keep organized and my thoughts all in one place. To me, lists are fundamental to staying organized and I can’t imagine how anyone survives without them. Sometimes I even keep lists of my lists (just in case, you know!). “Our family is heading down south... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2013

I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again …

By - July 23, 2013

Working with senior people requires patience, diplomacy, an ability to work with pretty much all types of people and not get defeated when obstacles to progress appear on the horizon. I like to think of this last quality as the “Chumbawumba effect”. Check out the song “Tubthumping” by punk folk group Chumbawumba on Youtube to... Read more »
Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: July / August 2013

Business Goals? Don’t Tell Everyone!

By - July 23, 2013

Many business coaches suggest we tell everyone our business goals – it makes them more real and it forces accountability. But according to Jessica McGregor Johnson author of “The Right T-Shirt” this is not a good idea. In fact the exact opposite is true – don’t tell everyone your goals! “Why? Because these new ideas... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

PowerPoint – Friend or Foe?

By - July 23, 2013

Yes, PowerPoint has its uses for presentations in events, but it is limited, and there are other creative options that could help you pack a bit more punch into your presentations.   If you are a nervous speaker or presenter then you might use PowerPoint as a crutch to get you through your content. If... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

It’s hard to say ‘I’m sorry.’

By - July 22, 2013

Have you ever had to apologize for something you did, or meant to do, and didn’t know where to begin? Saying ‘I’m sorry’ and truly meaning it can be an extremely difficult thing to do. If we say ‘I’m sorry’ too quickly in the conversation (or error discovery), it looks like we’re just sorry we... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2013

Do Not Disturb

By - July 22, 2013

Proactive responses to common distractions   Recently, an inmate was released after serving a 20-year sentence. Reentering the world after two decades would probably reveal many surprises to anyone. However, this former prisoner’s only comment to the press was about his astonishment at all the people texting – and not talking – in a restaurant... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2013

Better Connected

By - July 22, 2013

So, you’re on LinkedIn. How do you use it to find a new job? asks Angela Garry