Issue: July / August 2011

Help From The Trenches: Where Great Ideas Are Born

By - July 25, 2011

In his book, Rules of Thumb, Alan M. Webber shares a story about the most unlikely place for where your best ideas come. In an illustaration, he references what took place at Xerox, when the company was faced with an economic downturn and preparing to lay off a bunch of tech reps. Xerox knew it... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: July / August 2011

Experiencing the ‘Culture Shock’ of Family Life

By - July 25, 2011

After a working week, family life can be a culture shock explains Helen Letchfield 30th May-5th June was National Family Week in the UK, which is all about taking time out to celebrate quality family time together. However, many parents can find it difficult to do this when they still have to find the elusive... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2011

Email Etiquette? Not an Option

By - July 25, 2011

There’s a lot of talk about email etiquette. Do businesses need to promote it for their employees? Why is it so important to follow email etiquette guidelines? What are the best rules and practices to follow? First of all, businesses will benefit from promoting proper email etiquette for three great reasons: Protection from liability. Here’s... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2011

Careering Ahead

By - July 25, 2011

Amanda Perry had sporadic success returning to work as an administrator after a 20 year career break. Here, she explains how the difficulties she encountered have shaped her very successful career as an interview consultant When I returned to secretarial college following my career break, I found that things had changed significantly. Back when I... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2011

Bring a Touch of Showbusiness Into Your Next Interview

By - July 25, 2011

Nicky Pattinson specialises in ‘show business selling’ and regularly works with Pitman Training at conferences and events. Here she gives us her thoughts on making the right impression in an interview, so that what you put on paper matches what you offer from the first second you meet your potential new employer. Your preparation starts... Read more »
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: July / August 2011

Balancing Your Professional And Private Lives

By - July 25, 2011

Do you, like me, wonder where all that free time has gone? asks Florence Parot
Processes & Procedures
Issue: July / August 2011

An Introduction to Project Management

By - July 25, 2011

The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of project management, and a brief overview of the methodology that underpins most formally run projects. Many organisations do not employ full time Project Managers and it is common to pull together a project team to address a specific need. While most people are not... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: July / August 2011

3 Reasons Not To Copy Your CV Summary

By - July 25, 2011

Many people on LinkedIn make the mistake of copying their resume summary statements into their LinkedIn Summary section.   There are three major problems with this strategy: 1. Trite Phrases Often your CV summary is laden with overused phrases like ‘results-oriented team player with a proven track record’ or ‘dynamic, motivated self-starter with extensive experience’.... Read more »