Issue: November / December 2011
Issue: November / December 2011
The Feedback Feature
By Lucy Brazier OBE - November 25, 2011
We asked you ‘What is the best piece of advice you could give a boss? We asked you ‘What is the best piece of advice you could give a boss about how to work effectively with their assistant?’ Tammy Sanders, Greater Pittsburg, USA Talk to them! How can someone be efficient and support you effectively... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011
Issue: September / October 2011
Spice Up Your Life
By Neil Payne - September 25, 2011
Doing Business In India Providing cultural awareness tips and guidelines on any country is fraught with challenges. Nobody likes to hand out information that is taken to apply to a whole nation or culture simply because the reality on the ground is multi-faceted, flexible and fluid. Nowhere is this more true that with India.... Read more »
Issue: September / October 2011
Issue: September / October 2011
Gift Horse
By Patricia Jacob - September 25, 2011
From a simple invitation to a company compliance issue. How do you deal with gifts and incentives? asks Patricia Jacob
Issue: July / August 2011
Issue: July / August 2011
Careering Ahead
By Amanda Perry - July 25, 2011
Amanda Perry had sporadic success returning to work as an administrator after a 20 year career break. Here, she explains how the difficulties she encountered have shaped her very successful career as an interview consultant When I returned to secretarial college following my career break, I found that things had changed significantly. Back when I... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2011
Issue: March / April 2011
International Women’s Day
By Lucy Brazier OBE - March 25, 2011
Lucy Brazier asked: What advice would you pass on to the next generation of working women? Here are a selection of the responses: