Health & Wellbeing
Issue: March / April 2019

So You Wouldn’t Want to be a Robot?

By - March 25, 2019

Robots are never in resistance; we would do well to emulate them explains Graham Price
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2018

Overcoming Setbacks

By - September 25, 2018

Acceptance is the key to resilience when overcoming setbacks, says Graham Price
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: May / June 2018

Resolving addictions

By - May 25, 2018

Advances in psychology allow us to take action, gain control over, and change the programming that governs our addictions explains Graham Price
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2014

Accepting Feelings

By - January 25, 2014

In a recent article in this magazine, I pointed out that whenever we have a negative thought, we’re either wanting something that’s happened not to have happened or we’re wanting a situation that exists right now not to exist right now. In other words we’re wanting something to be “already” different. The only exception is... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2011

Stress Resilience & the Power of Positive Acceptance

By - March 25, 2011

Your boss is hassling you. You have a presentation to give and no time to prepare. Your partner is threatening to leave because you spend too much time at work. In case these pressures aren’t enough, the one person you depend on for support at work has just gone off sick. If this was your... Read more »