Headshot Shelagh Donnelly

Shelagh Donnelly

Shelagh Donnelly Assistants around the globe have been turning to Canadian Shelagh Donnelly and her Exceptional EA website since 2013 for professional development and the international community she’s nurtured. Authentic, expert, and inspiring, Shelagh helps you thrive and amplify your value as you perform at a high level – whatever your job title. A career EA who spent much of that time in the C-Suite, Shelagh’s also been a governance professional and a corporate software trainer. Engaging and positive with a healthy sense of humour, she’s in demand internationally. Shelagh’s training is future-focused and grounded in research as well as years of experience with change and with board-level strategy and priorities. Shelagh is also part of our Speaker Bureau. If you are interested in Shelagh training your Assistants or speaking at your event, either virtually or in person, please visit executivesupportmagazine.com/speaker-bureau.

Articles by Shelagh Donnelly:

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