Issue: August / September 2023

12 Top Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking

By - July 25, 2023

Anthony Garvey, 2023 UK Public Speaking Champion, Toastmasters International shares his top tips to improve your public speaking
Issue: May / June 2015

You Are Talking But What Is Your Body Saying?

By - May 25, 2015

Is your mouth saying one thing and your body something else? If you’re giving a speech you’ve probably thought carefully about the words – but have you thought about your body language? Unless your body language is aligned with your vocal language you are missing the opportunity to deliver the full impact of your message,... Read more »
Issue: May / June 2015

Fabulous Feedback – Creating a Culture that Creates Great Leaders

By - May 25, 2015

Feedback can be a fabulous thing; it can help us understand our strengths and learn how to build on our experience to do even better in the future. Feedback’s got a bad rap though. Often when someone says “I have feedback for you” our heart sinks and we brace ourselves for criticism delivered by someone more focussed on... Read more »