Issue: October / November 2023

Are You a Maximiser or a Satisficer?

By - September 25, 2023

Thom Dennis discusses the importance of effective decision-making
Personal Development
Issue: June / July 2023

Understand Your Brain and How It Works Best

By - May 25, 2023

Sue France explains how to take control of your brain and do whatever you put your mind to
Issue: May / June 2018

Make Up Your Mind: Enhance Your Decision Making Skills

By - May 25, 2018

To make a good decision, use your intuition coupled with a rational process explains Marie Herman
Personal Development
Issue: January / February 2014

Making Decisions

By - January 25, 2014

For some people, making a decision is easy. Well, it certainly seems that way. They weigh up the situation, look at the alternatives and then they make a considered judgement after taking all relevant points into account. Such a decision might be to change jobs, choose a partner, rent a house, book a holiday or... Read more »
Issue: July / August 2011

How to Make Better Decisions Faster

By - July 25, 2011

Spend a few moments learning Ann Latham's decision-making process and make better decisions faster