Editor's Letters
Issue: March / April 2012

Birthday Greetings

By - March 27, 2012

Back in March 2011 we re-launched Executive Secretary. Prior to this it had been in existence for about 16 years in various guises, but in March, we were reborn. And it really was like a birth, painful, at times uncomfortable and a lot of hard work but well worth the wait in the end. Birthdays... Read more »
Cover Story Leadership
Issue: March / April 2012

The Ninety-Five Percenters: Women in the Workplace

By - March 26, 2012

Bonnie Low-Kramen on the many things that hold women back There are many things holding women back at work, but something can be done – it’s just up to us. In March 2008, I wrote an article called How to Stand Up For Yourself Without Losing Your Job, which dealt with the topic of respect,... Read more »
Project Management
Issue: March / April 2012

Working with an unusual venue

By - March 25, 2012

A unique meeting venue is hot on every organiser’s wish list – but there are several things that need to be considered to ensure it’s the perfect fit. Words like ‘one-off’, ‘unique’, and ‘unusual’ in a venue description are bound to get the typical meeting planner’s heart racing, for they promise the memorability, individuality and... Read more »
Project Management
Issue: March / April 2012

Where did daily planning go?

By - March 25, 2012

Before the advent of e-mail and smart phones and nearly constant electronic interruptions, daily planning was a strategy that was used quite effectively in the business community. Not so much, anymore! Oh yes, we still make the attempt to set our daily plan, but I am willing to bet that for a lot of you... Read more »
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: March / April 2012

Sleeping better

By - March 25, 2012

Sleep is essential to functioning correctly in your busy waking world – here we explore some ways you can make the most of the twilight hours. Difficulties sleeping? Tossing and turning? Do you feel anxiety or have ideas going round in circles and preventing you from sleeping? Finding it hard to concentrate on work the... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2012

Self-belief: The Key to Success

By - March 25, 2012

“If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” Sam Walton Self-confidence is one of the most important qualities to have in every aspect of our lives. Whether this is in a personal context or a professional one, belief in oneself is often the difference between success and failure. Yet so many people... Read more »
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: March / April 2012

Say Goodbye to Stress Forever

By - March 25, 2012

Stress has become a major issue for both employers and staff. Techniques to deal with stress are now being taught within organisations. Books on the subject abound. Everything from time management, to relaxation, to exercise, is taught in the name of stress reduction. But, although these tools can be useful, they are largely missing the... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2012

Roll with the punches or get punched: Dealing with workplace disappointment

By - March 25, 2012

We all suffer disappointment at work, but it’s how you cope that really matters. Didn’t get the promotion you wanted? Received an unfavorable performance review? These are examples of situations that would cause the ‘emotional Molotov cocktail’ to start brewing. You are filled with anger, resentment and disappointment, and that’s just to name a few.... Read more »
Issue: March / April 2012

Regional Focus: China

By - March 25, 2012

Executive Secretary asked three experts on the region to give their personal guides to doing business in China. The Consultant’s View… The founder of Kwintessential, Neil Payne is currently the Managing Director of the company, overseeing global operations. He is also responsible for the management of cultural awareness training in Europe. China has been on... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: March / April 2012

Prove it!

By - March 25, 2012

Stand out and effectively demonstrate your skills every time with a professional portfolio. As an administrative professional, how do you demonstrate your skills? How do you prove to others you know how to do the skills you list on your resume? What can you do to showcase your skills in a way that makes you... Read more »
Kemetia Foley Headshot
Issue: March / April 2012

PROFILE – Kemetia MK Foley

By - March 25, 2012

Kemetia Foley is the Chapter President, IAAP Old Town Alexandria, USA. Kemetia talks to us about the importance of membership organisations.
Issue: March / April 2012

PROFILE – Eleni Rizikianou and Gina Theofilidou

By - March 25, 2012

Two years ago, EUMA Greece was awarded the responsibility of hosting EUMA’s Spring Training Day this April. Who could have foreseen at that time, the economic turmoil that the county would find itself in? Executive Secretary spoke to Eleni Rizikianou, EUMA’s National Public Relations Officer, and Gina Theofilidou, National Chairman EUMA Greece, about how their... Read more »
Career Development
Issue: March / April 2012

How to have a great appraisal…

By - March 25, 2012

When it comes to appraisal meetings, you get what you ask for, not always what you deserve. It’s March. Why are we writing about the annual de-motivational review process? (Sorry, performance review.) Every year businesses throughout the world put thousands and thousands of employees through an annual performance review process or appraisal. A few people... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2012

How To Become An Influential PA: Six Steps To Success

By - March 25, 2012

Being influential is the key to success, but how do you achieve it? If you want to be a successful PA, or indeed if you want success in almost any aspect of your life, you need to be able to influence other people. Influencing others to like and respect you is a starting point. Getting... Read more »
Health & Wellbeing
Issue: March / April 2012

Employee wellbeing – the latest corporate ‘buzz phrase’?

By - March 25, 2012

Last week I was invited to a full-day conference on employee wellbeing. The conference was held in central London on a Monday morning – the Monday morning that followed the heavy snowfall we’d had the day before. As would be imagined, the journey was not a good one. Phase 1: sort out snowboots and far... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: March / April 2012

Effective Feedback Made Easy

By - March 25, 2012

Giving feedback can be tricky. Ann Latham talks us through four steps to eliminate awkwardness and give truly useful comments. When you try to ride a unicycle, you get immediate, unavoidable, trustworthy feedback every time the unicycle squirts out from under you. Many trials and errors teach you what doesn’t work, which is almost everything.... Read more »