Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: February / March 2024

Contingency Needs to Be Part of Every Business Plan

By - January 25, 2024

No matter the size of the business, ensure that contingency plans fully reflect our new hybrid ways of working, explains Jane Robson
Issue: March / April 2018

Your Roadmap to Effective Office Systems

By - March 25, 2018

Systems are at the heart of every successful assistant and office says Julie Perrine
Issue: March / April 2017

An Admin’s Guide to Documenting Systems

By - March 24, 2017

Documented systems save time, keep you on track, and allow you to delegate to others when necessary explains Julie Perrine
Issue: January / February 2017

Systems and Procedures: What They Are and Why You Need Both

By - January 25, 2017

Systems and procedures make your job easier and support you and your team says Julie Perrine
Project Management
Issue: November / December 2013

Keeping Track Of Details – Setting Up A Tickler File

By - November 25, 2013

This simple, highly effective system can save you hours explains Rosie Gray