Events Excellence
Issue: July / August 2018
Issue: July / August 2018
Changes that may become Major Trends for Meetings and Events
By Rohit Talwar et al - July 25, 2018
Significant changes are anticipated in the next five years says Rohit Talwar
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2018
Issue: May / June 2018
Tips for Developing your “Futurist Mindset”
By Rohit Talwar et al - May 25, 2018
To succeed in your career you need to spot trends and have the ability to share your insights with key decision-makers says Rohit Talwar
Career Development
Issue: May / June 2017
Issue: May / June 2017
A Checklist for Tomorrow
By Rohit Talwar & Alexandra Whittington - May 25, 2017
Exponential societal and technological change is set to occur in the next 10-20 years. Will you be ready? ask Rohit Talwar and Alexandra Whittington