Career Development
Issue: September / October 2017

Do Job Titles Matter?

By - September 25, 2017

Are there advantages to having an impressive job title—or are “fancy” titles given in as stand-ins for real responsibilities and salary increases? asks Judy Geller
Career Development
Issue: January / February 2015

The Evolving Role of the Administrative Professional

By - January 25, 2015

Time stands still for no one, including administrative professionals says Robert Hosking
Issue: May / June 2014

Job Descriptions for Assistants

By - May 25, 2014

An effective job description is a working document that can be enhanced and changed as you pick up new skills in the role, explains Nicky Christmas
Cover Story Leadership
Issue: January / February 2014

IYOTSA 2014; Powered by Excellence

By - January 26, 2014

Your guide to the International Year of the Secretary and Assistant 1. What is IYOTSA? IYOTSA is the International Year of the Secretary and Assistant. It takes place this year, 2014. In 1984, a similar international celebration was organised by the PSI and 2014 marks its 30th anniversary. The 2014 celebrations are coming out of... Read more »
Personal Development
Issue: September / October 2012

Bosses need boundaries

By - September 25, 2012

Adam Fidler discusses how PAs should set boundaries with their bosses in terms of their working hours, the expectation for them to be checking their e-mails out of hours and their availability when out of the office or on annual leave. One downside of the PA role, if I can use the word ‘downside’, is... Read more »