Issue: September / October 2019

An Assistant’s Guide to Proactive Disaster Preparedness

By - September 25, 2019

Plan ahead as much as possible and be confident that you’ve done everything you can to prepare explains Julie Perrine
Issue: November / December 2017

What’s Your Disaster Plan?

By - November 25, 2017

Disaster can strike without warning, so create a plan and be better prepared says Julie Perrine
Issue: November / December 2016

Planning for Disaster

By - November 25, 2016

Ensure that wherever you are, you must have the necessary information and equipment to be able to run your business says Kerry Dawson
Project Management
Issue: July / August 2013

Your Administrative Role in Disaster Recovery Planning

By - July 23, 2013

A hurricane is bearing down and your office has just received notice you have one hour to evacuate before flood waters sweep into the area. What do you do? Your office is damaged by fire and you’re forced to work from home for the next six weeks. Are you set up to do it? Have... Read more »