Helen Monument and Eth Lloyd MNZM

HELEN MONUMENT inspires and encourages Assistants to be the best they can be by sharing 40 years of experience as a management support professional. Her career has taken her from Secretary to Office Manager and Business Support Team Leader, so she understands the profession inside out. Helen now offers coaching, counselling, mentoring and training to Assistants at all levels. She is also the Chair of the World Administrators Alliance, whose aims are to guide, influence, positively develop and elevate the global administrative community. Helen is a stimulating, knowledgeable and entertaining conference speaker. Helen is also part of our Speaker Bureau. If you are interested in Helen training your Assistants or speaking at your event, either virtually or in person, please visit executivesupportmagazine.com/speaker-bureau. ETH LLOYD, MNZM, worked as an Assistant for 30 years. She has a passion for the administrative profession and its value. She is a Life Member and past National President of the Association of Administrative Professionals New Zealand Inc (AdmiNZ). In 2018, Eth was awarded the New Zealand Queen’s Birthday honour MNZM for her services to administrative professional development. Since 2020, Eth has been the Professional Development Advisor to AdmiNZ and is the Special Advisor to the WA-Alliance Council. She is the author of The Executive Secretary Guide to Conference and Event Management, available now on Amazon. Eth is also part of our Speaker Bureau. If you are interested in Eth training your Assistants or speaking at your event, either virtually or in person, please visit executivesupportmagazine.com/speaker-bureau.

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