Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: September / October 2011

Singing Your Praises

By - September 25, 2011

Hilary Jeanes explains what good performance management looks like in practice How do you feel when your performance appraisal is approaching? Do you look forward to it as an opportunity to get recognition and feedback for what you have achieved in the past year? Or dread it, as it tends to focus on weaknesses or... Read more »
Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: September / October 2011

Lost In The Maze

By - September 25, 2011

Finding the pathway to opportunity with effective organisational structure   In his book, Harvest of Humanity, John Seamands tells a story of a German soldier who was wounded and ordered to go to a military hospital for treatment. When he arrived at the large and imposing building he saw two doors. One was marked ‘For... Read more »
Business Strategy & Acumen
Issue: September / October 2011

Risk is Like Fire – You’ll be Safe but Cold Without It

By - September 25, 2011

Think back over the course of your career. Indentify the times you were bold: changing jobs, moving to a new organization, offering to assist with a project, volunteering to serve on a committee or filling in for someone while they were on leave. What do these and similar events have in common? They all involved... Read more »