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Jude Sclater

Jude Sclater is an executive coach, author and trainer who has partnered with professional services firms like Deloitte, Carpmaels & Ransford, InfraRed Capital Partners and many others to offer tailored executive coaching that enhances leadership skills and accelerates career advancement. Her Think Like a Coach Programme transforms new managers into confident, coach-like leaders, while her Bounce Back & Thrive 1-2-1 Coaching Programme helps senior professionals overcome barriers to promotion and make a significant impact. Book a call with Jude at https://calendly.com/thinkwithjude/30min or join one of her free Think Like A Coach virtual taster sessions: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/think-like-a-coach-virtual-taster-workshop-tickets-1088592412209?aff=lid to find out more.

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