The skills required to excel as an Assistant are changing, explains Lily Shippen

As the role of the Assistant evolves, the need for leadership and social influence within your position has never been more critical. Reflecting on conversations I have had this year about the impact of artificial intelligence on the EA role, I’ve been thinking deeply about how you can harness these changes to elevate your career.

Embracing Leadership Beyond Traditional Roles

Leadership is not just about managing tasks; it’s about influencing outcomes and driving change. Your unique position allows you to see the bigger picture and facilitate smoother operations within your organisation. This perspective is powerful, enabling you to take initiative, manage complex projects, and drive innovation.

The Impact of Social Influence

In today’s digital age, social influence extends beyond face-to-face interactions. Navigating social media and professional networks to build your brand and expand your influence is crucial. Platforms like LinkedIn are invaluable for showcasing professional achievements, sharing industry insights, and connecting with a broader professional community.

Effective social influence means leveraging your online presence. Sharing valuable content, participating in meaningful discussions, and networking strategically can significantly enhance your professional reputation. Our mentoring programme emphasises these skills, helping participants build and maintain a compelling professional presence.

Crafting a Strong Personal Brand

Personal branding is essential for professional growth. It’s about consistently presenting a professional image that reflects your values, skills, and career aspirations. A strong personal brand can differentiate you in a competitive job market and communicate your unique value to potential employers and peers.

To craft your personal brand, identify your core strengths, set clear career goals, and create a consistent narrative that highlights your professional journey. Personal branding isn’t just about self-promotion; it’s about building credibility and trust, which are crucial for career advancement.

Developing Leadership Skills

Your role as an EA or PA requires proactive and strategic thinking, often anticipating the needs of your executives and teams. Developing leadership skills, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and effective communication, is crucial. By honing these skills, you can take on more responsibilities, manage larger projects, and provide valuable insights that drive business success.

Leadership development is a continuous process involving seeking feedback, learning from experiences, and staying updated with industry trends. Engage in workshops, professional development courses, and networking events to enhance your leadership capabilities.

Building a Professional Network

Networking is a powerful tool for career advancement. A strong professional network can open doors to new opportunities, provide support and advice, and inform you about industry developments. Effective networking involves building genuine relationships and maintaining those connections over time.

Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with colleagues, industry leaders, and potential mentors. Sharing insights, joining relevant groups, and engaging with content can help you build a robust professional network that supports your career goals.

Staying Adaptable in a Changing Landscape

The business environment is constantly evolving, and adaptability is key to success. Embrace new technologies, welcome change, and continuously update your skills. Adaptability also means pivoting strategies quickly in response to new challenges or opportunities.

Fostering a mindset of continuous learning and flexibility helps you navigate the complexities of your role and contribute meaningfully to your organisation.

Final Thoughts

The landscape for EAs and PAs is shifting, and with it, the skills required to excel. Embracing leadership and social influence, along with continuous learning and professional development, is key to staying ahead.

As we approach the final quarter of 2024, I encourage you to reflect on your personal branding and leadership development. How are you positioning yourself in your organisation and the broader professional community? What steps are you taking to enhance your skills and influence?

For information on Lily Shippen’s free EA mentoring programme, visit their website:

Lily Shippen is the Managing Director of Lily Shippen, a boutique recruitment agency she founded in 2016 after gaining invaluable experience at one of the world’s largest recruitment agencies in London. With a vision to disrupt the talent acquisition ... (Read More)

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