Eth Lloyd provides an update on the World Administrators Summit 2018
Delegates and Attendance
The WASummit is a working event for country delegates only, not a conference with speakers and training opportunities. Think of it as the G20 for administrative professionals! Delegates who attend the WASummit are nominated by their country to represent that country; this nomination may be from your own national professional association.
The Advisory Council
Each region in the world may have up to two representatives on the Advisory Council (how these regions are made up can be found on our website).
Some new Advisory Council Team members have been confirmed:
- Rosemary McLennan, Scotland has joined the International Networking Team
- Rhonda Scharf, Canada has joined the International Certifications/Qualifications Team
- Chantal Sneijkers, Belgium and Susan Englebrecht, South Africa have joined the International Position Titles Team
The remaining tasks on the Advisory Council are:
- WASummit 2018 Co-Convenors – Ursula Wartha (IMA), Weka Avosa (PNGAAP) who are working steadily to arrange this event.
- Social Media and Website – Anel Martin (South Africa/Dubai); an ongoing task.
- Codes of Conduct – all members of the Advisory Council are gathering these, they will provide a resource for all administrative professionals and will be held on the website.
The World Action Plan
The updated World Action Plan is now available on our website.
Research and Survey Topics
The Advisory Council Teams are working on their specific subject areas (raised at the 2015 WASummit), and progressing these discussions through research.
Some teams are creating surveys across their topic areas. The topics and team leaders are:-
- International Certification/Qualifications – Wendy Rapana (AAPNZ – Team Leader)
- Universal position titles – Judy Geller (ASAP, USA – Team Leader)
- International Networking – “Speaking as one voice” – Rosemary McLennan (Scottish PA Network – Team Leader)
The surveys will be available in a couple of months throughout the world and we will be seeking your input on the three subject areas.
How you can Help
- Ensure that your country will be represented by at least one delegate.
- Participate in the surveys, and encourage others to do the same. This is critical to the Teams being able to make meaningful determinations and recommendations to the WASummit in 2018. Your participation will add enormous value to the WASummit data collection. This is your opportunity to have YOUR VOICE HEARD so we can “Speak with One Voice”. If you belong to an administrative professional association you should receive these surveys through your association. The surveys will also go out on our website, on Facebook and on Twitter.
- Later in 2017, we will be seeking your advice on new topics to be discussed at the 2018 WASummit; these will be subject areas which you believe are currently relevant and important to administrative professionals.
- Keep yourself up to date with what is happening. We will advise you through social media when we are seeking your input to surveys on the subject areas outlined above and when we want new topics to be submitted.
Remember, The WASummit is your event, discussing issues that are important to you. Make sure your voice is heard so we can “Speak with One Voice”.
Our Website
Our Facebook page
Our Twitter hash tag: #WAS2018