Eth Lloyd updates us on the changes taking place at the World Administrators Summit, postponed until 2021
Covid-19 has hit the world and changed life for us all. We have never had to deal with something that has affected every country and creating such huge changes to our lives – all our lives, not just one country, one continent, but all of us everywhere.
This of course led to the decision to postpone the 10th WA-Summit from the dates set over a year ago of 30 August – 1 September 2020 to new dates in May 2021 at the earliest. Postponing was the only decision that could have been made as with borders closed, travel curtailed and a degree of fear for anyone who might be considering attending we had to make a clear decision.
We need to keep everything moving forward, so what steps have we taken?
1. The Business Session will be held online
We have decided to split the event in two, so that important decisions for the future can be taken this year to ensure that we continue progressing. This also reflects that the date for running the 11th WA-Summit cannot yet be finalised as we are not quite sure when travel will be reinstated and at what cost that travel will be. We will continue with the Business Session of the WA-Summit which will be held online on one of the days during the original 30 August – 1 September 2020 dates, using Microsoft Teams or Zoom. There can of course still be a Business Session at the face-to-face event in 2021 if there are further matters to be discussed and agreed.
2. The Future of the WA-Summit Council
In 2018, the Advisory Council was asked by delegates to investigate a new structural model for the Advisory Council, whilst continuing with the current form. A Task Force was set up which, after consultation with the members of the Advisory Council and the 2018 delegates, has:
- agreed the type of structure to be a Non-profit Trade (profession) Association registered in the United States
- agreed the name for the new body is the World Administrators Alliance (WA-Alliance)
- sought and received US$5,000 funding support from the IAAP Foundation to cover the costs of web page development, legal advice on incorporation, and incorporation fees
- developed bylaws to complete the incorporation process
- completed incorporation March 2020 of the WA-Alliance
- received approval from the Advisory Council for the appointment of Helen Monument (Netherlands), as Interim Chair of the WA-Alliance
- started developing a Procedures Manual.
3. Preparing for the Online Business Session
The outcomes listed above require endorsement by the delegates at the 11th WA-Summit, so next steps can be agreed and undertaken. That vote will be at the online Business Session. Documents are being prepared by the Taskforce for delegates to consider and consult on within their own countries before the business session takes place. Our FAQ page shows the questions that were asked during the consultation, and the answers provided. It may be helpful for you to read this background before the vote.
4. Attending the Online Business Session
Each country can have up to three delegates attend the online Business Session. Countries wanting to participate will need to complete their delegate credentialing forms.
5. The Communications Team
We have built a Communications Team so that we can keep you up to date with happenings for the WA-Summit.
Helen Monument is leading this team which includes:
Julia Schmidt (Norway) who is managing our newsletter SummitUp and our company LinkedIn page.
Diana Brandl (Germany) who is managing our YouTube channel and currently our Social Media while Bex Adamson manages her home, full-time work, and small children during New Zealand’s lockdown with Covid-19. Bex will be back on deck once New Zealand relaxes its lock down requirements.
Silvia Salomon (Italy) has recently joined the team and she will bring the LinkedIn closed Group, requested by the Delegates in 2018, into the communications plan so that can be completed and shared with you all.
We will ensure we keep you informed of dates, information and any next steps that are required. Please subscribe to our newsletter SummitUp and visit our website www.wa-summit.com.