You can be professional and still have fun says Lynda Shaw
Did you know that the average pre-schooler laughs or smiles 400 times a day but this number drops to only 15 times a day by the time we reach the age of 35?
Ideas are being blocked and strategies are not being properly implemented because of the increase in stress and consequent decrease of enjoyment in the workplace.
Whilst we may not all want or have the space for a Google slide, games room and ‘chill-out aquarium’, when we have lost the ability to have fun the risk of seriously stressed employees with little to no creativity increases exponentially. Research has shown for years that a fun workplace means more productive, energetic and creative employees who are better lateral thinkers. What has changed is the stress we now face associated with increased multi-tasking, heightened information bombardment and the need for constant development.
Why is fun in business needed to combat increased stress levels?
When we are stressed, cortisol, the stress hormone is secreted in abundance. A certain amount of cortisol is good because it keeps us on our toes, but chronic stress can result in cortisol overload which causes a great deal of damage including physical illnesses such as heart disease, some cancers and perhaps even chronic depression. The best way to stop this hormone from taking over is to stimulate other neuromodulators. When they are accelerated they enhance the release of both dopamine and serotonin, creating a much more positive outlook.
In fact, laughter releases endorphins, which are ten times more powerful than pain relieving drug morphine, boosts immunity and increases oxygen intake. One of the best ways to activate neuromodulators, is quite simply, through having fun. Encouraging fun, and consequently social interaction is paramount to having happy, engaged employees.
Research by Dr. David Abramis at Cal State Long Beach found that people who have fun on the job are more creative, more productive, better decision-makers, and get along better with co-workers. They also have fewer absentee, late, and sick days than people who aren’t having fun. The benefits of having fun can also be measured by comparing the absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover rates pre a change to a more enjoyable company culture, as can an employee and a customer satisfaction survey. Psychologically, fun and play at work allows us to explore the group hierarchy and unsaid rules in a safe way, which leads to healthier working relationships
In addition, when we are learning and having fun with new material (especially if it is complex), then we have a better chance of understanding and retaining that information. We know we don’t learn when we are bored. Psychology tells us that learning in bite-size chunks really works with a dash of fun because short and snappy content prevents mental burn-out and allows you to carefully process the information. However, fun or laughter must complement but not distract from learning material.
Tips for Implementing Fun in the Workplace
- Encourage breaks. Just allowing employees to take small breaks to take time for themselves works wonders because it acts as a way to decompress and refresh. Furthermore, don’t forget to organise fun activities which your own employees can take part in during breaks such as a sandwich making contest, or an after work departmental volleyball match. Not only will it encourage employee interaction but it will also incorporate fun into their day.
- Remember being professional does not mean being serious all the time.
- Celebrate big achievements. Organising social events and parties to celebrate hitting a big target or securing a huge deal means that employees realise that their work does not go unnoticed. Take your team out for an occasional drink or lunch. A social will also help employees bond together, meaning a loyal and happier workforce.
- Start meetings with a joke that is acceptable to everyone in the room or funny anecdote. This will help everyone in the room relax and feel more open, which means they are all more likely to share their ideas without feeling embarrassed or nervous. Make sure it’s either a really good (or bad) joke.