Success is having a balance in your job through accomplishing your intended purpose says Mercy Kufakunesu

Success is a journey and it largely depends on the people you make part of it.  The people you help to their success shorten your journey.  When we talk about success in the workplace, what comes to some people`s mind is money and promotion.  Success is having a balance in your job through accomplishing your intended purpose.  Helping others is hidden in it.

Here are suggestions on ways to be successful at the workplace through helping others:

Promote others

Promoting someone is an attitude and it is a matter of choice.  One does not become five-star by plucking out other people`s stars.  Embrace other people`s successes as your own through email or word of mouth.  Favorably share with your executive how someone has helped with your work and how good they are on certain areas.  A good advocacy deserves another.  Whatever we give out we receive.

Inspire others

Inspiring someone requires strength on the part of the inspirer.  It is empowered through treating people with respect and continuously appreciating their efforts.  The way we perceive and approach challenges at work itself aids in inspiring others.  One might not realize the impact he or she is making in another`s professional life hence the call for the inspirer to be resilient.  An inspiration acts as a wired connection which electrifies the one who is being inspired to reach beyond themselves.

Value others

Motivating someone comes with having genuine care for that person.  Know what they value most and if possible, help them to accomplish what they intend.  If they value having a diploma to develop themselves professionally, offer to help them in their assignments so that they realize their dreams.  Valuing someone starts with valuing yourself first.  This in turn creates an equal partnership, a partnership that doesn’t seek its own and based on unconditional give and take relationship.  Equal partnership comes with selflessness whereby one gives through support of goals and takes through sharing experience.

Share knowledge with others

The easiest way to succeed at the workplace is to share knowledge.  Some people however feel that sharing knowledge at work makes one replaceable or being used where credit won’t be due to them. With sharing knowledge comes addition of value and learning on the part of the sharer, making him or her reach beyond his or her own success.  If one only has an inlet to gaining knowledge and no outlet for sharing it, he or she becomes dull; so much so that even the little things he or she knows will soon be taken away by one`s own mind as time progress.

Encourage others

Believe in the unlimited potential of others even if they do not see it themselves.  Belief is a driving impetus to motivation. Identify the good qualities in other people and make it your aim to help them realize their potential.  Tap into their strengths in tackling challenges they face at work. Success parameters are not governed only by money or promotion; rather see past your own bias to encourage someone to succeed.  Persistent encouragers help one to pass through distractions and hindrances and do not allow themselves to do all the work for the one who they will be encouraging.  As iron sharpens iron so we encourage each other unto success.

When we set success only in the parameters of money and promotion, we will find ourselves coming short.  To some, it brings a sense of failure when they do not receive the anticipated money in form of salary or incentive and if not promoted if parameters are set on this basis.  Though helping others someone is costly in terms of time and can derail the schedule, success is hidden in it.

Mercy Kufakunesu is a secretary for foreign missions at ZAOGA FIFMI Headquarters, Harare, Zimbabwe. She is a graduate of Chinhoyi University of Technology with an honours in Office Administration and Technology. She is currently doing a Masters in ... (Read More)

10 comments on “Success in the Workplace is Hidden in Helping Others

  1. Admire Suje on

    Thank so much ,lm inspired not only in work place , even also in society . I need to have ambition to each other and lift up their standard . I can be lifted also.


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