Because it’s the start of the school year and most of us are back at work after a holiday, September often feels like a new beginning – a time to start afresh.
September is also traditionally the month where there are more events on the Assistant calendar than any other, and we will be at most of them either in person or with the magazine. We’ve had to print an additional 5000 copies of Executive Secretary this month to accommodate all the events we will be going to.
All over the world Assistants will be getting out of the office for sharing, learning, scoping and networking.
So what’s the point?
It’s often said that it’s not what you know, but who you know. Who you know can mean the difference
in whether or not your end up reaching your future dreams and goals. There are so many reasons why
networking and attending events is important, personally and professionally. Whether you want to stand out from the crowd during your job search, rise the ranks at your current company or just have a good support network to be there for you when you need it, having like-minded people to bounce ideas off is an absolute must have.
I know that I would not be where I am today in my professional journey if I had not made networking
a top priority in my life when I started working at my first job. Networking helped me land numerous
promotions. It has gained me new clients. It has expanded my knowledge immeasurably and has given me
life-long friends. And now, it is ensuring that you have the best authors writing for you.
I have also built a great support network at my church, in my local business community and with other working mothers at my children’s schools. No matter where you are in life, you can’t get around the fact that networking is crucial to your success and personal well-being.
So take a look around at your local area. What networking groups, events and conferences are there that you could attend and get involved with?
You’ll never regret it. Let us know about them so we can share the information with others.
We hope to see you there.