As most of you know, I have spent the majority of my summer working from my balcony in Spain. I didn’t take the Summer off, but I did ensure that for two months, I closed the computer at 5pm every weekday and took weekends off.
It was a much needed rest and I have come back refreshed and ready to leap back into whatever is thrown at me – and it’s a good thing that I am, as my diary until the end of November is looking rather like a Gant chart for a project the size of the Olympics.
But whereas before I went away, I felt rather as I used to at the end of the school term – wrung out and aiming towards the final day of term – my time away has given me space to not only rest my brain but also to think about all the things that I never have time to in London; business ideas for the magazine that had been put on the back burner, people I should have contacted but never seemed to have the space and analysis of systems that just weren’t working efficiently, that we couldn’t find time to reassess.
One of the projects that have done a lot of work on this Summer is our 2014 Executive Secretary LIVE
conference in London. Our headline speaker, one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, Jeff Hoffman has a TED talk online entitled ‘The Power of Wonder’ which explains why you should be looking at everything in your business like a five year would, and question, in order for your business to be as efficient as it should be. The break has given me the chance to do this.
Jeff, by the way, will be speaking in London about his Assistant, Laurie and how she had a key role in shaping his $58 billion empire. It’s a talk which I saw earlier in the year at the BEL conference in LA. It changed the lives of the audience that saw it. I am so proud to be able to share Jeff and his awe-inspiring presentation with a new raft of Assistants here in London next Spring. So welcome to the new term!
We hope your eyes are open and your brains alert to all the learning we have to put in front of you in the next few months.