We are in the process of creating and redefining the new role for future generations. We want you to be part of it says Lucy Brazier
Two years ago, at about this time of year, leaders of the Administrative Profession from around the world sat in Papua New Guinea and discussed how we could change the world for Assistants. Our meeting was at the World Administrators Summit. I was honoured to Chair the meeting.
The World Administrators Summit is our G8. A working summit, we have gathered once every three years since 1991 to look at how we can improve things for you. Top of our agenda in Papua New Guinea was career progression and professionalising the role. Here at Executive Secretary we have conducted research which shows that there are 162 job titles in this market – and that is before we start looking outside the English language. The number of job titles only serves to confuse the career progression of a profession already in a state of flux.
This is a profession that makes up a fifth of the world’s working population. How are we ever going to secure proper remuneration, recognition and career progression until we get a handle on the job roles?
To this end, a band of dedicated leaders have spent the last two years working on precisely this. They are aiming to narrow the roles down to 8, with one and two being school and college level, all the way up to a level 8, which would be an Assistant with a Masters.
The idea is that at each level, there is a list of skill sets. We are also trying to align the qualifications and certifications already out there with these levels. The work is being led by the New Zealand team as they have already achieved this realignment in New Zealand.
In 2018 we meet again, this time hosted by IMA in Frankfurt. We have never had a better opportunity to get this right on your behalf. A combination of the development of communication – notably the increased power of the internet and social media, combined with the fact that for the first time in many years, the summit is being held in Europe means that for the first time ever, we will have attendees from over 30 countries.
If we get this right, we will change the working lives of over 1 billion Assistants across the world.
Once agreed, our representatives from each country should take findings back to their respective governments to explain that the role has changed completely. The Assistant role is no longer about tea, typing & servitude. You are the new middle management and benchmarking against other Assistants locally just doesn’t work because they are also not being recognised. This is an industry where EVERYTHING has changed, globally. The whole profession needs its remuneration overhauled in line with the new role and the contribution being made in businesses.
We have a small window in which to make history. We are in the process of creating and redefining the new role for future generations. We want you to be part of it.
Watch out for updates and requests to become involved. This is an opportunity for you to have your voices heard and to truly be one profession with one voice.
For further information please visit http://www.worldadministratorssummit.com/.