Make continuous improvements in your connections, says Chi Chi Okezie

Networking remains one of the most effective ways of building relationships with your counterparts. One of the ways to enhance your networking efforts is to incorporate agility into your practices. Agility refers to being able to move easily or quickly, thinking or understanding easily. Large companies and organizations use this mindset to improve business operations and processes.

This article identifies ways that principles of agility can be implemented to create powerful connections in networking.

A Mindset of Continuous Learning

Being a member of associations or professional groups allows you to upskill and learn new things within your industry. Continuous learning sharpens the mind and builds cognitive skills. It can also be a branding mechanism and a means to facilitate business with like-minded individuals. Align with associations which offer and uphold this value. Seek out ways to challenge yourself and continue to evolve in your development. Foster a culture of having a growth mindset. Here are a few questions to consider:

  • Am I motivating myself to learn on a continuous basis?
  • Am I making it a priority to develop new skills?
  • Am I intentionally applying these new skills?
  • Am I getting stagnant or complacent in my networking endeavors?
  • Am I using metrics to gauge my learning success?

A Mindset of Quality Assurance

Another useful method for improving results is via quality assurance, the preferred level of quality in a product or service. Often used to gauge customer/client satisfaction, savvy networkers can apply quality assurance techniques to their networks, especially when building quality relationships from a “two-way street” or “win-win” perspective – in other words, being open-minded and finding ways to serve others. Here are a few questions to ask:

  • Am I adding value to my networks?
  • Am I helping my counterparts reach their goals and vice versa?
  • Am I embodying my qualities and principles?
  • Am I making quality a priority in my networking strategies?
  • Am I using metrics to gauge my quality success?

A Mindset of Reducing Waste

Streamlining work processes conserves time, money, and energy. It allows you not only to get to the goal quickly but also to foresee issues and mitigate risks. Professionals can lean on this type of mindset to make their networking more productive and beneficial. Reducing waste can involve aspects such as:

  • Follow up properly with a call to action.
  • Take time to learn about your counterpart/connection prior to a meeting/session.
  • Share goals and look for commonalities before setting expectations.
  • Be genuine and honest in all your interactions.
  • Consider ways to merge or expand your networks for mutual benefits.

Look at your networking to be flexible, to anticipate change, and to be open-minded. Be intentional and think about how to properly and effectively connect with others when growing a viable network. When reaching out, think about how you are approaching your connection. Be conscious of their time and make the most of the meeting or outreach. Consider how the connection can benefit both of you and enhance each other’s network. Use these strategies to strengthen your communication and efforts while reaching for success.

Chi Chi Okezie is the owner and producer of SIMPLEnetworking, LLC, a consulting firm based in Metro Atlanta, GA, USA which specializes in business networking, diversity and inclusion. Her company was granted a Proclamation for Business Networking Day by ... (Read More)

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