In Part 4 of our series on the WASummit, Eth Lloyd explains what is taking place now and how you can become more involved
WASummit Logo
A fresh, new logo has been developed which will be used on our website, all social media and all other communications. The logo represents the star “Administra”. In 2006 the Australian Institute of Office professionals (AIOP) purchased the naming rights to a star which they named “Administra” in honour of all Administrative/Office Professionals throughout the world.
Administra is also the name for our World Action Plan, a set of guidelines for use by every professional association or individual administrative professional in the world. Administra is available on Dropbox through the link shown below under Advisory Council.
WASummit website and social media
The website is being populated and the various social media options are being worked on. As they come fully on-line we will advise you of the links. We will also be seeking your input and opinions on the various subject areas that the Advisory Council Teams are working on. We will seek this information through surveys and we will try to make them fairly brief.
We will also be seeking your advice as to what new topics should be discussed at the 2018 WASummit; these are subject areas which you believe are currently relevant and important to administrative professionals.
Advisory Council
Each region in the world may have up to two representatives. If you want to find out how regions are made up, that information can be found at: http://www.worldadministratorssummit.com/important-forms.html.
We are still seeking representation from the following regions: Asia/India, Canada, Caribbean, Middle East, South America and the United States of America.
If you and your country are interested in representing your region and have agreement from that region, please contact me at eth.lloyd@gmail.com I would be very pleased to hear from you.
As each representative on the Advisory Council advises me of their specific area of interest, from the subjects discussed at the 2015 WASummit, they are allocated to that Team. The Teams are currently made up as follows:
- Updating Administra (World Action Plan) – Eth Lloyd and the Chairman’s Committee
- International Certification/Qualifications – Wendy Rapana (New Zealand – Team Leader), Cathy Harris (South Africa), Florence Katano (Uganda)
- Universal position titles – Marion Lowrence (United Kingdom)
- Speaking as one voice – Marion Lowrence (United Kingdom – Team Leader), Mea Lou-Isaac (Papua New Guinea), Sue McComasky (Australia), Florence Katano (Uganda)
- Social Media – Anel Martin (South Africa)
- Gathering Codes of Conduct – all members of the Advisory Council – as these are gathered they will be shared on the website as a resource for all
- WASummit 2018 Co-Convenors – Weka Avosa (Papua New Guinea), Ursula Wartha (EUMA, Germany).
WASummit Ambassadors
We are looking to appoint up to four WASummit Ambassadors. These are people who hold unique positions of influence within the administrative professional workforce worldwide. They will provide excellent resource and input into the Advisory Council’s discussions. Where they find information (an article or a link) which relates specifically to the subject areas for the 2018 WASummit they will be asked to ensure they share that with the Advisory Council. Additionally, they will also have a role of “spreading the word” about the WASummit throughout the world.