Eth Lloyd shares the latest update in part 5 of the World Administrators Summit information

WASummit 2018 – Date and Venue

The date and venue of the WASummit is 24/25 October 2018 at the Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany. This date is for the two days immediately before the 2018 IMA Conference (

Those country Delegates who attend the WASummit will have the opportunity to participate in the IMA Conference, although there will be an additional registration fee for this.

Who may Attend the WASummit?

The WASummit is a working event, it is NOT a conference with speakers and training opportunities. The WASummit is for country Delegates only. The people who attend the WASummit are nominated by their country to represent them. This nomination may be from your own national professional association.

In some circumstances, where there is no national association, then an individual may apply. There are special criteria around this type of application and this is set out in the Delegate Credentialing form which can be found on the website at this link .

For each of the two days of the WASummit the Delegates will be working in smaller groups. They will be focussed on the topics presented to them to provide recommendations/solutions or to refer the topic to the Advisory Council for further research, before the next WASummit in 2021.

Your role as an individual administrative professional is to ensure that your country is represented with at least one Delegate. You will also add value by responding to the WASummit requests for information through surveys and social media. This is your opportunity to have YOUR VOICE HEARD so we can “Speak with One Voice”.

WASummit Ambassadors

It is an honour to announce the inclusion of Al-Husein Madhany as an Ambassador. You can find his biographical details on the WASummit webpage. Al-Husein joins the four WASummit Ambassadors already appointed; Bonnie Low-Kramen, Lucy Brazier, Joan Burge and Melba Duncan.

These Ambassadors hold unique positions of influence within the administrative profession worldwide. They provide an excellent resource for the Advisory Council’s discussions and are “spreading the word” as and when appropriate about the WASummit.

WASummit Website and social media

Website link is:

All required documentation is now available on our website including the World Action Plan “Administra”. Don’t forget to keep following us on Facebook and Twitter (#WAS2018).

Keep yourself up to date with what is happening and we will advise you through social media when we are seeking your input through surveys on the subject areas outlined below.

In late 2017, we will be seeking your advice on new topics to be discussed at the 2018 WASummit; these are subject areas which you believe are currently relevant and important to administrative professionals.

Advisory Council

Each region in the world may have up to two representatives on the Advisory Council. How these regions are made up can be found at: We are still seeking representation from the following regions: Asia/India, Canada, Caribbean, Middle East and South America. If you and your country are interested in representing your region, please contact me at, I would be very pleased to hear from you.

Eth Lloyd, MNZM, worked as an Assistant for 30 years. She has a passion for the administrative profession and its value. She is a Life Member and past National President of the Association of Administrative Professionals New Zealand Inc (AdmiNZ). In 2018 ... (Read More)

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