Do you remember the last handwritten note you received? Even more, do you remember the last handwritten note you sent? With our technologically enhanced communications – email and voicemail, it is just so convenient to email people, or to leave one way voice messages for them, isn’t it?
After all, sending a handwritten note is so difficult…
•It takes a bit more time to write.
•It costs more than an email – a (not so expensive) stamp.
•It means a trip to the post office, or at least to your mail box.
Wow. So much extra work. And cost! We’re exaggerating here – the whole effort might take you an extra few minutes, and a 37 cent stamp, so it’s not that hard to do. The reality is that people just don’t do it much any more.
I’d like to challenge you to think of why a handwritten note can actually mean more today than it might have before the advent of email and voicemail.
This is the key for you to have more impact. By writing a handwritten note, you’re doing something many others aren’t doing. You’re adding a personal touch in a world that is becoming technologically impersonal. You’re saying “I care” in a very simple way.
What to write about? Just about anything. Here are some examples:
•Congratulations for a job well done
•Best wishes for a promotion
•Good luck on a new venture
•Thanks for a helping hand
•Appreciation for extra effort
•Pride in a child’s accomplishment
•Recognition for your spouse’s support
•Thanks for being my friend
I know one corporate executive who finishes every day, by writing at least one handwritten note. He puts it in his daily routine. And he’s never been at a loss to find someone to write.
I still have a two-page handwritten letter my husband once gave to me, telling me how much he cared
about me and how he’s enjoyed sharing his life with me. I carry it in my daily planner. I guess there’s something about those handwritten ones that make them much harder to toss away and more special.
The biggest challenge about writing notes is simply just getting to it. It really doesn’t take much more time and could be one of the most inexpensive yet treasured gifts you can give.
Here are a few suggestions:
•Invest in some stationary to use for this purpose. Something with your name or monogram can have a nice touch.
•A less expensive alternative is to purchase some tasteful postcards.
•Buy a roll of stamps.
•Keep all of these in a place that is easy to reach.
•Then, just remember to pull them out when you’re wanting to share a “gift” with someone else.
Handwritten notes are gifts. People really appreciate and enjoy them. The biggest challenge is to “get to it!” Just remember that every handwritten note you send will help you energize those around you, and maybe even make their day. So, when will you write your next note?”