So here is the thing. Those of you that have seen me speak or met me in person will know that I have a pathological phobia of flying. It has been known to scare me so much that it has made me physically sick.
Even the thought of flying sent me into apoplexy and heading for the valium and yet in the last 12 months I have visited 21 countries and this week, am writing this letter in a hotel in Sydney, which is 22 hours by plane from my home town of London. I figure if I can make it to Australia, then I can do anything.
The rewards have been huge, from every point of view. I have listened to two full days of the most sensational speakers, some of whom have agreed to write for me or come to speak at future Executive Secretary LIVE events.
I shared the International Year of the Secretary and Assistant message with several hundred people that didn’t know about it. I have met some awe inspiring Assistants, who were so welcoming and enthusiastic about the magazine. I have made new business contacts and worked with a new event company in this sector as well as meeting up with the head of one of the Associations here. I also went for a two hour walk from Coogee Beach where we are staying to Bondi beach, which was one of the most jaw droppingly beautiful walks that I have ever done.
But the most rewarding thing this week has been realising that I can do it! The pros outway the cons to such a huge extent that how could I possibly have not got on that flight.
I was so tempted to stay safely in London and stick within my comfortability and yet when we push ourselves, we often achieve things we never thought we could do and experience some of the most rewarding moments of our careers.
I fly to Melbourne tomorrow to do it all again and then home on Saturday. Would I do it all again? Despite the fact that I am already feeling uneasy even talking about the flight home, you bet! It has been one of the best trips so far for all sorts of reasons.
So next time you are asked to do something that scares you half to death, or you get that sick feeling in your stomach and don’t think you can do it, feel the fear and do it anyway. You never know what might be waiting for you at the end of the experience.
Warmest regards from Melbourne, Australia.