Two years ago this week, I was feeling just as stressed as I am now. The reason? We were just about to launch an unproven concept that had taken months of hard work to put into place.
I remember vividly, putting the first issue of Executive Secretary to bed at about 3am on the morning before it HAD to go to print in order to make its print slot. Just as we were sending the finished product, we realised that there was still no photo of me to accompany the editor’s letter and my husband ended up taking my photograph with my phone which is still my editor’s picture today. Thank goodness it is in black and white.
We’d done our research and given you what you wanted but who knew that, two years on, Executive Secretary would be the success that it is now.
Just this year, I have been invited to speak as an expert on the industry at over 30 events all over the world.
The subscriber list continues to grow in numbers that back then I only dreamt of and…
…in just a couple of days, we launch our first international conference. So here we are again – same time of the year and the same reason for the stress. We’re about to launch something new and unproven.
Is it all worthwhile? You’d better believe it! It’s what we’re here for. To push the boundaries and keep creating innovative and inspirational ways for you to keep learning and developing.
Here’s to many more stressful birthdays to come.