When you take on an assignment in your network, you are stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself to grow, explains Maria Cirillo

Being part of a professional network is not just about exchanging business cards or attending events; it is a lovely journey of personal and professional growth. For an Executive Assistant, it is enriching and educational to join a network, as it can open new doors to a lot of opportunities and experiences that can elevate your life.

The Benefits of Taking on Assignments

Taking on assignments within a network is where the real magic happens. These assignments are not just tasks to be completed – they are opportunities for learning and development. Whether it’s serving on boards, participating in working groups, or leading projects or events, these roles and assignments can be incredibly rewarding. They provide a platform to develop new skills, gain a different perspective, and develop a deeper understanding of your field.

One of the most exciting aspects of taking on assignments is the opportunity to be part of the network’s events. These events are often the highlight of the networking experience, offering a chance to connect with industry leaders, innovators, and influencers. The people you meet at these events can become mentors, or friends, and will enrich your life.

Taking on assignments also allows you to experience a taste of the life of the management team. Through your assignments, you will gain firsthand experience of the responsibilities and challenges that come with leadership roles. This experience is invaluable, providing you with insights and skills that can take your career forward.

The Transformative Power of Networking

I would not be the person I am today if I had not taken on a role within International Management Assistants (IMA). Through my involvement, I have experienced so much and learned an incredible amount. For instance, I have developed my negotiation skills, and I have improved my public speaking ability by presenting about the network and participating in panels. These experiences have allowed me to connect with industry stars and speakers, further enhancing my professional development.

Being part of a network has elevated my career to new levels. Today, I am not just an Assistant, I am a key player who contributes significantly to my organization. The strength and support I have gained from my network have enabled me to negotiate better deals for our conferences, securing better venues and prices. My contacts have helped me bring in fantastic speakers and entertainers, making our events more successful and memorable.

Furthermore, my colleagues from around the world have taught me to work more efficiently and with a daily purpose. This has not only improved my productivity but also enhanced my well-being. I have learned to elevate myself to a level where I now deeply feel like an important part of the company. My contributions have made a visible impact, saving the company money by reducing the need for outsourcing. I contribute through my daily work so my management team can focus on strategic tasks and business rather than administrative ones.

In conclusion, being part of a network offers huge benefits, but actively engaging and taking on responsibilities within the network is what truly drives growth and development. It is an ongoing journey of learning and self-improvement, which can transform you into a more effective and influential Executive Assistant. So, embrace the opportunities that come your way, and don’t be afraid to step up and take on new challenges. You must make a lot of effort, but the rewards are worth it.

Maria Cirillo has been an Executive Assistant/Coordinator since 2000. She helps businesses grow by ensuring that unnecessary obstacles are wiped away so that the management team can focus on running the company. Maria is known as a good communicator, with ... (Read More)

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