For 22 years, I have been teaching administrative professionals from all walks of life to embrace a Philosophy called the Star Achievement® Philosophy “For 22 years, I have been teaching administrative professionals from all walks of life to embrace a Philosophy called the Star Achievement® Philosophy.
This Philosophy says:
“You have the potential to be a star in your profession, but it takes the right combination of
Achieving and maintaining a positive attitude about your employer, your co-workers, your clients and yourself
Developing new and enhancing current Intangible skills that are vital to workplace success.
Being a part of and contributing to various team relationships, both internal and external to the organization.
Setting goals and cultivating enriching relationships to actualize your professional self.”
Star Achievement is a way of thinking… being… and performing. It is a way of life.
Those who embrace this Philosophy are called Star Achievers. Star Achievers are professionals who continually seek new ways of doing things, create better techniques to improve their performance and realize that they are on a journey that never ends. They know that who they are today is not all they are capable of becoming. They are committed to change and think about their organization as a company earning a profit versus a department spending a budget. Here are some good reasons why you might want to be a Star Achiever.
Moulding your career
No one is handed a dream career “on a platter”. Each individual needs to step up to create his or her desired career. They need to make informed decisions and be accountable for their own actions and the outcome. You can thrive in these paradigm shifts by developing your skills, attitudes and team relationships beyond where they are today. Most importantly, you will need to create a realistic, workable, pro-active and positive strategy.
Competitive marketplace
Now more than ever your company needs you to contribute to the organization by producing quality work, being a team player, improving work processes and sharing your knowledge. You need to do more than show up: you need to contribute! Many organizations are doing more work with fewer people. The people who are on the job must help their organization remain competitive by keeping their skills current and being the best they can be.
Pace at which we work
The supersonic fast-paced workplace pace of work demands that we be alert, sharp, inquisitive and thought leaders who anticipate issues and have solutions ready at hand. Every employee is expected to be creative and innovative. Because of who administrative professionals support in the organization, they need to be clearer, more focused, more resilient, better prepared for anything that comes their way, and be masters of time and energy.
Senior Executives have higher expectations of administrative staff
While there has been a big shift over recent years with assistants supporting more than one leader, senior executives are raising the bar higher. If you already work for a top-level executive, you need to sharpen the saw. If you have aspirations of advancing in the profession, you must prepare now for opportunities that might arise later.
Personal satisfaction & enhanced self-image
By embracing the qualities of Star Achievers, you will grow as an individual. You will reach higher levels of professional excellence and experience feelings of achievement and satisfaction you never expected.
Maybe you have placed yourself in a box over the past several years. Maybe a manager or co-worker has belittled your efforts, making you believe you can do no more than what you are doing today. Star Achievement encourages you to step over the line, to go outside the box and go beyond limitations set by others. It will guide you on how to eradicate bad behaviors that are derailing your progress.
Happier lives
Those who embrace Star Achievement skills and attitudes move from average to outstanding. If you will just go the extra mile, stretch out of your comfort zones and continually enhance your attitude and skills, you will be part of the small percentage of Star Achievers! Outstanding employees are given greater responsibility, more challenging assignments and experience greater job satisfaction.
In closing, the Star Achievement Philosophy is not about being perfect; it is about continually striving for professional and personal excellence. It is about waking up every day with the intent of giving your best for that day!