In part 8 of our series on the World Administrators’ Summit, Eth Lloyd sets out the timeline for the next six months
We now have only six months until the WASummit country delegates all meet in Frankfurt Germany on 24/25 October 2018 – this is really exciting!
On 10 March our research survey “Position Titles, Tasks and Networking” closed. We received over 3000 responses from around 60 countries, which was truly amazing. This type of involvement by individual administrative/office professionals is the way to ensure your voice is heard.
Delegate Credentialing forms were due on 20 March to the Advisory Council for validation. We received forms from 24 countries with around 50 potential delegates. Countries who have completed Delegate Credentialing are:
Angola, Australia, Cameroon, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States of America.
This is excellent. We believe that if we have this level of support and involvement, we will have well informed and credible discussions leading to valuable and truly useful outcomes for all administrative/office professionals.
In April, The World Administrators Summit Advisory Council won the Pitman SuperAchievers Community Award – International. This is an honour and recognises the wider community of administrative/office professionals around the world. This Award is for £1000 of training through Pitman Training. The Advisory Council is now determining a way in which this can be used to benefit a worthy individual recipient. We will advise you of the process over the next few weeks.
During April and May the Advisory Council Team Leaders are completing their research and writing final reports on the topics from 2015: International Credentialing, International Certification and International Networking. These reports will be discussed and accepted, amended or sent back for further work during the WASummit.
In June these research reports will be sent to the delegates to share and consult within their own countries, prior to attending and discussing these at the WASummit.
In July the Advisory Council will be sending all delegates information on the new topics to be discussed at the WASummit. Delegates will be expected to read, share, conduct their own research and consult widely within their own countries on this information. Delegates are expected to bring well informed opinions which represent the views of administrative professionals within their own countries.
The new topics are:
- Digital Technology – the future of the role
- Position Descriptions and career pathways
- Identity and Image of our profession – how can we enhance this
- Harassment – how can we manage this
In September registration closes with all final payment of registration fees being made by mid-October.
24/25 October the WASummit is being held in Frankfurt, Germany.
Whenever possible the Advisory Council will ensure that all information shared with the delegates will be available on our website www.worldadministratorssummit.com. We would be very happy if you wished to provide the thoughts of you and your own personal networks to contribute to these discussions.
The above timeline shows how quickly the time will fly by between now and 24/25 October this year. I am so looking forward to being in Frankfurt, to meeting with all the Delegates and to being part of these important discussions. Take time to read through Administra the World Action Plan on our website and remember that the purpose of the World Administrators Summit is:
A global meeting of administrative and office professionals and Associations; to guide, influence, and positively develop the profession.